
About Stéphanie Larivière

Stéphanie has a background in Biotechnology and Applied Arts. In 2017, she joined the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) as a research coordinator in kidney transplantation. In 2019, she joined the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) as the Communications and Data Manager. In this role, Stéphanie manages the CDTRP’s website, the various social media platforms, and all the visual and technical aspects of the virtual and in-person conferences. She is the creative mind of CDTRP and a fervent behind the scene worker. Stéphanie is based out in Montréal, where she lives with her cat. She is passionate about culture (music, books, movies) and is a fancy natural wine and craft beer drinker.

Happy Holidays from the CDTRP!

Happy Holidays from the CDTRP! Please note that the CDTRP will be taking a break beginning December 21, 2020, returning January 4, 2021. We wish everyone in our community a happy and healthy holiday season. If you're feeling anxious or disappointed about the holidays this year, we encourage you to take a look at [...]

2020-12-14T13:33:18-04:00December 14th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Holidays on Ice: Precautions around COVID-19 during the holiday season

Holidays on Ice: Precautions around COVID-19 during the holiday season Enjoy this 90-minute webinar, with 5 experts discussing the holidays during COVID-19. Topics included: communication with family members about limitations during the holiday season, self-care during the winter months and fun ideas for spending the holidays at home. The speakers included Dr. Susan Abbey, [...]

2020-12-10T18:22:21-04:00December 7th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General, Past Webinars|

2020 CST-Astellas T3 Grant competition success: Dr. Istvan Mucsi

2020 CST-Astellas T3 Grant competition success: Dr. Istvan Mucsi The CDTRP would like to congratulate Dr. Istvan Mucsi for his success at the 2020 CST-Astellas T3 Grant competition for Improving Patient Outcomes in Transplant. Dr. Mucsi faced off against finalists fellow CDTRP investigator Anne Halpin, Dr. Marcelo Cypel and Dr. Michel Lallier in a [...]

2020-12-14T13:42:01-04:00December 14th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

New Program Encourages Canadian Organizations to Provide Financial Support for Living Organ Donors

New Program Encourages Canadian Organizations to Provide Financial Support for Living Organ Donors The Canadian Society of Transplantation (CST), in collaboration with the American Society of Transplantation (AST), has launched the Living Donor Circle of Excellence program that celebrates employers who implement internal policies that provide salary support to their employees who choose to [...]

2020-12-14T13:44:16-04:00December 14th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Thank you for participating in the CDTRP 7th Annual Scientific Meeting

Thank you for participating in the CDTRP 7th Annual Scientific Meeting On behalf of the planning committee and our two co-chairs, Samantha Anthony and Frédérick D’Aragon, thank you to all of the moderators, speakers, and participants for making the CDTRP 7th Annual Scientific Meeting a success! For those who missed it, or couldn't make [...]

2020-12-08T13:41:08-04:00December 8th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

ON NOW! – CDTRP 7th Annual Scientific Meeting

ON NOW! - CDTRP 7th Annual Scientific Meeting Welcome to our over 200 registered participants! If you are not yet among them, there is still time. Check out the exciting scientific program here. Sessions coming up: On Dec 2, 6pm-7pm EST, Lara Danziger-Isakov will be presenting “Uneven Ground: Finding your feet during a [...]

2020-11-30T13:28:33-04:00November 30th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

CDTRP Annual Scientific Meeting Pre-Program Event: Picture a Scientist

CDTRP Annual Scientific Meeting Pre-Program Event: Picture a Scientist In line with the CDTRP 7th Annual Scientific Meeting coming up next week, we are pleased to present a special screening of Picture a Scientist. PICTURE A SCIENTIST is a feature-length documentary film chronicling the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter [...]

2020-11-23T20:25:35-04:00November 23rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Dr. Shaifali Sandal study recruitment: Recipients and Donors of LDKT in BC, QC and ON

Dr. Shaifali Sandal study recruitment: Recipients and Donors of LDKT in BC, QC and ON Dr. Shaifali Sandal and her team at McGill University in Montreal are conducting a study that aims to understand why rates of Living Donor Kidney Transplantation (LDKT) are different across Canadian provinces. They aim to understand this by studying [...]

2020-11-24T13:04:32-04:00November 23rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Congratulations to James Shapiro: Stem Cell Network Award

Congratulations to James Shapiro: Stem Cell Network Award Warm congratulations to CDTRP member Dr. James Shapiro for a $400,000 award from the Stem Cell Network's Accelerating Clinical Translation Program. The funded project is entitled: "Autologous Patient- derived Islets from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC): The Next Generation Diabetes Therapy". You can read more about this work [...]

2020-11-24T13:09:24-04:00November 23rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|
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