
Job opportunity – Postdoctoral fellowship in the West Lab

Job opportunity - Postdoctoral fellowship in the West Lab The research group of Dr. Lori West is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow. Reporting to the PI and working closely together with a highly collaborative multi-disciplinary multi-institutional team that includes immunologists, carbohydrate chemists, virologists, cell biologists and clinicians, the PDF will contribute to ongoing research studies focused [...]

2021-08-24T08:16:15-04:00August 24th, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

Theme 4: Tailor an Optimal Immune System for Each Patient – August 12 Meeting Agenda

Theme 4: Tailor an Optimal Immune System for Each Patient - August 12 Meeting Agenda Each of the five CDTRP Research Themes holds regular meetings to discuss new ideas, present the latest research results, and make new connections. CDTRP Theme meetings are open to all CDTRP members (including trainees and PFD partners). If [...]

2021-08-03T09:54:43-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

Theme 3: Engineer and Allocate Better Grafts – August 18 Meeting Agenda

Theme 3: Engineer and Allocate Better Grafts - August 18 Meeting Agenda Each of the five CDTRP Research Themes holds regular meetings to discuss new ideas, present the latest research results, and make new connections. CDTRP Theme meetings are open to all CDTRP members (including trainees and PFD partners). If you would like [...]

2021-08-03T10:00:21-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

CDTRP Research Innovation Grant awardee – Making every pancreatic islet count – engineering a vascularized transplantation system to treat type 1 diabetes (Corinne Hoesli & Steven Paraskevas)

CDTRP Research Innovation Grant awardee - Making every pancreatic islet count – engineering a vascularized transplantation system to treat type 1 diabetes (Corinne Hoesli & Steven Paraskevas) Through collaboration with partner organizations, CDTRP is pleased to offer our annual Research Innovation Grant competition to fund exciting new project ideas. Over the coming weeks, [...]

2023-07-04T08:53:03-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

Congratulations CIHR Spring 2021 Project Grant Winners

Congratulations CIHR Spring 2021 Project Grant Winners Congratulations to the CDTRP members and their teams who were successful in the CIHR Spring Project Grant competition! We are looking forward to supporting these projects with PFD partnerships, trainee support, management resources, and communication and KT support. See below a list of funded projects through [...]

2021-08-03T14:34:42-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

The CDTRP Comms Team is on vacation!

The CDTRP Comms Team is on vacation! The CDTRP comms team is looking forward to a break this summer! We (and the newsletter) will be going on hiatus for 2 weeks, coming back on August 23. We will be ready to tackle a fall packed full of exciting events, including the International Donation [...]

2021-08-03T10:30:01-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

Health Canada ODTC project announcement – Mapping the Canadian Research and Innovation Ecosystem in Donation and Transplantation

Health Canada ODTC project announcement - Mapping the Canadian Research and Innovation Ecosystem in Donation and Transplantation We are pleased to share the news that the Organ Donation and Transplantation Collaborative (ODTC), initiated by Health Canada, the provinces and territories, Canadian Blood Services (CBS), the ODT community, including the support of the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research [...]

2021-08-04T07:48:30-04:00July 27th, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

CDTRP Research Innovation Grant awardee – The MedBIKE™: Evaluating a Novel Telemedicine and Video Game-Linked Exercise Platform for Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients (Michael Khoury)

CDTRP Research Innovation Grant awardee - The MedBIKE™: Evaluating a Novel Telemedicine and Video Game-Linked Exercise Platform for Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients (Michael Khoury) Through collaboration with partner organizations, CDTRP is pleased to offer our annual Research Innovation Grant competition to fund exciting new project ideas. Over the coming weeks, we will be [...]

2023-07-04T08:55:06-04:00July 27th, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

CDTRP UHN Research Innovation Grant awardee – Feasibility of Integrating Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Activity Metrics in a Palliative Care Transplant Program to Improve Function Pre- and Post-Lung Transplant (Kirsten Wentlandt)

CDTRP UHN Research Innovation Grant awardee - Feasibility of Integrating Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Activity Metrics in a Palliative Care Transplant Program to Improve Function Pre- and Post-Lung Transplant (Kirsten Wentlandt) Through collaboration with partner organizations, CDTRP is pleased to offer our annual Research Innovation Grant competition to fund exciting new project [...]

2023-07-04T08:53:58-04:00July 27th, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|

Perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation: a Canadian survey

Perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation: a Canadian survey A group of investigators from the Canadian Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials Group (PACT) and/or the CDTRP working to study Canadian perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation. They kindly request your participation in this national survey they developed and entitled: Perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation: [...]

2021-07-27T07:37:52-04:00July 27th, 2021|Categories: Featured, General|
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