Résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche du PRDTC

Le PRDTC est ravi d’annoncer les résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche, rendu possible grâce à des partenariats avec diverses organisations. Nous sommes fiers de présenter tous les projets innovants qui ont été financés dans le cadre du concours de cette année.

Nous tenons à féliciter chaleureusement la Dr Murdoch Leeies et son équipe pour avoir reçu la bourse d’innovation en recherche PRDTC KFOC. Nous leur souhaitons tout le succès possible dans la réalisation de leur projet novateur !

Bourse d’innovation en recherche PRDTC KFOC : Dr Murdoch Leeies

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation (OTDT) A curriculum in cultural competency for OTDT healthcare teams in Canada 

  • Affiliation principale : Université du Manitoba
  • Thème 1 – Améliorer la culture du don
Résumé (en anglais)

We already know that sexual and gender minorities (including Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer plus (2S/LGBTQ+) persons) face discrimination and barriers to fair care in the organ and tissue donation and transplantation (OTDT) health system.  Existing policies that limit donation of organs and tissues for these persons date back to the 1980’s in reaction to the HIV epidemic.  These policies discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity rather than on behaviors that make people more likely to contract or pass on HIV or other infections. We now know of many possible harms and examples of unequal treatment for 2S/LGBTQ+ people in the OTDT system. One major problem is that healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, and others) and 2S/LGBTQ+ patients both feel that healthcare workers do not get enough training in the healthcare needs or cultural needs of 2S/LGBTQ+ patients. To address this gap in care we are making an educational program to train healthcare workers so that they can become knowledgeable about 2S/LGBTQ+ issues in OTDT.  To make sure this program reflects the needs of 2S/LGBTQ+ patients and healthcare workers we have planned to team up with both groups in the OTDT health system so that we can work together to educate healthcare workers across Canada in 2S/LGBTQ+ issues and to improve their ability to provide compassionate care. We hope this will ultimately increase the supply of organs and tissues that can be safely transplanted for all patients who need them.