
About Stéphanie Larivière

Stéphanie has a background in Biotechnology and Applied Arts. In 2017, she joined the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) as a research coordinator in kidney transplantation. In 2019, she joined the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) as the Communications and Data Manager. In this role, Stéphanie manages the CDTRP’s website, the various social media platforms, and all the visual and technical aspects of the virtual and in-person conferences. She is the creative mind of CDTRP and a fervent behind the scene worker. Stéphanie is based out in Montréal, where she lives with her cat. She is passionate about culture (music, books, movies) and is a fancy natural wine and craft beer drinker.

17th Annual Regenerative Medicine Symposium

17th Annual Regenerative Medicine Symposium by the Training Program Regenerative Medicine On April 22-23, 2020, the 17th Annual Regenerative Medicine Symposium – Advances Towards Harnessing the Immune Microenvironment to Promote Tissue Regeneration will take place ONLINE. Uyen Nguyen, a CDTRP Trainee and MSc student from the Levings Lab at UBC will be presenting the [...]

2020-04-14T19:51:01-04:00April 14th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Green Shirt Day – April 7

On April 6, 2018, Canadians were heartbroken to hear the news of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash. Of the 29 passengers, sixteen lost their lives and thirteen will all bear physical and emotional scars for life. On April 7, 2018, Humboldt Broncos defenceman Logan Boulet succumbed to his injuries. His parents, Bernadine and Toby [...]

2020-04-06T20:12:10-04:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

CIHR Spring Competition Cancelled

CIHR has made the decision to cancel the spring competition following consultations with Governing Council, Science Council, partners at the U-15, Universities Canada, HealthCareCAN, and the University Delegates Network, among others. Read the full message from Dr. Michael Strong Consult the FAQs More information for the research community

2020-04-06T19:11:00-04:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Be a Donor Month – April

April is Be a Donor month in Ontario supported and promoted by Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN). Some facts to consider: One donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and enhance the lives of up to 75 more through the gift of tissue. Age alone does not disqualify someone from becoming [...]

2020-04-06T19:12:27-04:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Setting urgent health research priorities for Indigenous, rural and remote populations in Canada

Dr. Karen Yeates speaks of setting urgent health research priorities for Indigenous, rural and remote populations in Canada and the balance between the perspectives and needs of communities with those of health researchers. Introductions: Vikas Sridhar, CDTRP Trainee Karen Yeates, MD, MPH is a Professor of Medicine at Queen’s University [...]

2020-04-06T20:04:22-04:00April 3rd, 2020|Categories: Past Webinars|

Funding Update: Zhang and Jevnikar Awarded

The CDTRP would like to congratulate Dr. Zhu-Xu Zhang (Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario) and Dr. Anthony Jevnikar (Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute) on their recent success in the Fall 2019 CIHR project grant competition. Drs Zhang and Jevnikar were awarded $550,800 over 5 years to support their project; shown below.   TLR3 [...]

2020-03-31T14:15:14-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

The Transplantation Society COVID-19 Update Dashboard

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Transplantation Society has created a worldwide COVID-19 Dashboard to serve as a resource for transplant professionals to get up to date information about the pandemic. The COVID-19 Committee is meeting multiple times a week, working together to address the needs of the international transplant community as the [...]

2020-06-01T14:08:57-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

World Transplant Winter Games Wrap-Up

CDTRP and CAN-RESTORE had the privilege of sponsoring the World Transplant Winter Games in Banff Alberta, which took place from February 24th to 29th 2020. The CDTRP joined the Canadian Transplant Association and Astellas in supporting this athletic event. This is only the second time this event has been held outside of Europe and [...]

2020-03-31T14:14:51-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Cross-Cutting Priorities Webinar Series presents: Dr. Karen Yeates

Dr. Karen Yeates will discuss "Setting urgent health research priorities for Indigenous, rural and remote populations in Canada: Can we find a balance between the perspectives and needs of communities with those of health researchers?" Dr. Yeates is our eighth speaker for the Cross Cutting Priorities in Research Webinar Series (2019-2020). She will develop [...]

2020-03-31T14:14:39-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

CBS Consensus Guidance on COVID-19

The Canadian Blood Services' Professional Education website will be updating donation and transplantation services nationwide. Click here for the most recent Consensus Guidance for Organ Donation and transplant Services during COVID-19 Pandemic, COVID-19 impact on Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) and Highly Sensitized Patient Programs (HSP) and Consensus guidance for tissue donation during COVID-19 pandemic. [...]

2020-03-24T19:00:47-04:00March 24th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|
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