Gagnant de la compétition 2020 CST-Astellas T3 Grant : Dr Istvan Mucsi
Le PRDTC tient à féliciter le Dr Istvan Mucsi pour son succès au 2020 CST-Astellas T3 Grant competition for Improving Patient Outcomes in Transplant. Le 26 novembre 2020, le Dr Mucsi a affronté ses collègues finalistes, Anne Halpin, Marcelo Cypel et Michel Lallier, dans un Dragon’s Den virtuel, afin de présenter des solutions innovantes en matière de transplantation à un jury, assurant au gagnant un financement supplémentaire qui viendra s’ajouter à sa bourse, déjà couronnée de succès.
Le projet de Dr. Mucsi intitulé : “Enabling informed shared decision making about living kidney donation for members of the African, Caribeean and Black (ACB) Communities- co-developing a community based framework to improve risk discussions for potential living kidney donor candidates” est ressorti grand gagnant de la féroce compétition.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé vulgarisé du projet gagnant (en anglais) :
« African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) kidney patients are more likely than white patients to develop end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) but less likely to receive the best treatment—a living donor kidney transplant (LDKT). Longer term medica risk of live kidney donation (LKD) may be higher for people from ACB communities.
Our goal is to support potential kidney transplant recipient and donor candidates from ACB communities to fully and safely explore all treatment options, LDKT by providing culturally appropriate and safe resources and opportunities to discuss and understand the pros and cons of dialysis, kidney transplant, LDKT and LKD.
Experiences of discrimination and racism have created mistrust in healthcare systems among ACB members. Patient education systems in Ontario are not culturally tailored, leaving ACB Canadians with unaddressed concerns about medical interventions and treatment options.
We will conduct qualitative research to better understand the risk perceptions, concepts and considerations, and the decision process concerning LKD and LDKT for ACB recipient or donor candidates. We will also explore their specific information needs about LKD and LDKT.
With our partners (UHN Centre for Living Organ Donation, UHN Ajmera Transplant Centre, UHN Nephrology Division, Scarborough Hospital Nephrology Division, TAIBU Community Health Centre) we will co-develop a novel community-based and -informed, culturally safe patient education framework and tools, supported by nephrology and transplant outreach. This has never been tried in Canada.
Better understanding of LDKT will improve access to the best treatment for ESKD and will save lives and improve quality of life of ACB patients with kidney failure. »
Le PRDTC est fier de soutenir ce projet novateur qui vise à atteindre les objectifs d’équité en matière de santé et se réjouit de diffuser les résultats de ce projet auprès de notre communauté au fur et à mesure de l’avancement des travaux. Le PRDTC tient également à féliciter Anne Halpin, chercheuse et stagiaire du PRDTC, qui a été finaliste à la compétition.