Bourse CDTRP Research Innovation – Dr Marcelo Cypel

Grâce à sa collaboration avec des organisations partenaires, le PRDTC est heureux d’annoncer les résultats de son Concours annuel de subventions à la recherche et à l’innovation visant à financer de nouveaux projets passionnants. Au cours des prochaines semaines, nous présenterons tous les projets financés dans le cadre du concours 2022.

Bourse CDTRP Research Innovation 

Dr Marcelo Cypel

  • Affiliation principale : University Health Network
  • Thème 3 – Des greffons de qualité optimale
  • Titre : Ex-vivo immuno-cloaking of donor lungs to prevent transplant rejection: a proof of concept study
Résumé (en anglais)

Lungs have the poorest outcome of all solid organ transplants, of about 50-60% survival rate within the first five years. Part of the reason are due to poor strategies to prevent immune-mediated rejection (patient’s immune system attacks the new lung), and ischemia reperfusion injury (injuries that occur while reviving the lung). These injuries can result in primary graft dysfunction (PGD), a severe form of lung injury that is a major cause of early mortality. Early injuries and rejection are thought to start at the blood vessels as it is the first contact point between the transplanted lung and the patient. Starting from lung retrieval, all the way to transplant, the blood vessels are injured by the damage/loss of the glycocalyx, a molecule that coats the cells of the blood vessels acting as a physical barrier. Our collaborator, Dr. Kizhakkedathu in a recent publication, showcased that reconstructing the organ’s blood vessels with immunosuppressive polymers before transplantation prevents immune-mediated rejection without use of immunosuppressant. Based on these promising results, in collaboration with Dr. Kizhakkedathu, the current project aims to apply this polymer for lung transplantations. We will optimize the technology and evaluate the efficacy and safety with cell culture model and small animal model for lung specific uses. Results from this study will serve as basis for future translation into large animal and human clinical evaluation. Ultimately, successful translation of this new immune therapy from bend to bedside can help improve health benefits of millions of transplant patients in Canada and beyond.

« Félicitations au Dr Cypel et à toute l’équipe pour ce projet passionnant, que le PRDTC est fier de soutenir. Ce travail est un parfait exemple de la façon dont la réunion de plusieurs disciplines peut conduire à des idées nouvelles et créatives pour résoudre certains des plus grands défis de la transplantation. »

Dre Patricia Gongal, Directrice générale du PRDTC