Résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche du PRDTC

Le PRDTC est ravi d’annoncer les résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche, rendu possible grâce à des partenariats avec diverses organisations. Nous sommes fiers de présenter tous les projets innovants qui ont été financés dans le cadre du concours de cette année.

Nous tenons à féliciter chaleureusement les Drs Charles Weijer et Marat Slessarev pour avoir reçu la bourse d’innovation en recherche PRDTC LHSC. Nous leur souhaitons tout le succès possible dans la réalisation de leur projet novateur !

Bourse d’innovation en recherche PRDTC LHSC : Dr Charles Weijer et Dr Marat Slessarev

Seeding an international collaborative to produce guidelines for the conduct of randomized controlled trials of organ donor interventions 

  • Affiliations principales : Université Western et London Health Science Centre
  • Thème 2 – Informer sur les pratiques universelles en matière de don
Résumé (en anglais)

There are more people who need a life-saving organ than there are donated organs. To increase the quality and number of organs available for transplant from deceased organ donors, physicians use ‘donor interventions.’ Donor interventions involve things like administering drugs to donors to improve the condition of their organs for the benefit of organ recipients. However, there is limited evidence that these interventions are safe and effective; some may even do more harm than good. To improve donation practices, large international randomized trials of donor interventions are needed, but conducting these trials in deceased donation is challenging: regulatory, ethical, and methodological uncertainties stand in the way. Our long-term goal is to produce guidance on the conduct of randomized trials of donor interventions. As a first step in our program of research, this project addresses important preliminary research questions to ground guideline development. We will (1) map the legislation, case-law, and regulations relevant to randomized trials in donation to understand the regulatory environment; (2) review international ethical guidelines and statements on research with dying and recently deceased patients to identify possible solutions to ethical challenges; (3) partner with deceased donors’ family members to identify key markers of a high-quality donation process, enabling us to later derive outcome measures aimed at improving donation processes for families. As a critical step on the path to transformative research, this project will benefit donors who want to maximize their legacy, families who want to see successful donation, and recipients who will benefit from improved organs.