Résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche du PRDTC

Le PRDTC est ravi d’annoncer les résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche, rendu possible grâce à des partenariats avec diverses organisations. Nous sommes fiers de présenter tous les projets innovants qui ont été financés dans le cadre du concours de cette année.

Nous tenons à féliciter chaleureusement le Dr Mypinder Sekhon et son équipe pour avoir reçu la bourse Transplant Research Foundation of BC/CDTRP Venture. Nous leur souhaitons tout le succès possible dans la réalisation de leur projet novateur !

« Transplant Research Foundation of BC est ravie de soutenir une recherche d’une telle ampleur et d’une telle profondeur qui mènera à d’importantes nouvelles découvertes qui transformeront véritablement le don et la transplantation d’organes en Colombie-Britannique et au Canada. »

– Elaine Yong, co-responsable TRFBC

Bourse Transplant Research Foundation of BC/CDTRP Venture : Dr Mypinder Sekhon

Characterizing the cerebrovascular physiology of circulatory death during withdrawal of life sustaining therapies in humans 

  • Affiliation principale : Université de Colombie-Britannique
  • Thème 3 – Des greffons de qualité optimale
Résumé (en anglais)

Organ donation may proceed only after the brain’s function / blood flow are lost and death is declared. It can occur after withdrawal of life support machines while waiting for the heart to stop delivering blood flow and oxygen to the brain. This process is called donation after circulatory death (DCD). In DCD, death is determined when the pulse pressure (generated by the heart beat) is less than 5mmHg for a period of 5 minutes. However, owing to the disease characteristics of eligible organ donation patients (i.e. increased pressure inside the skull from a swollen brain), the brain is likely to lose its function and blood flow before the loss of heart function results in this very low blood pressure in the body. This delay in declaring death leads to a prolonged period of waiting during which the eligible organs become increasingly dysfunctional. This may lead to missed opportunities to donate organs or to worse outcomes when the organs are transplanted into patients who need them. Therefore, we will conduct a prospective feasibility study to characterize the moment of loss of brain blood flow with microcatheters that have been inserted into the brain during the management of the patient. By doing so, we will identify the moment and pulse pressure at which the brain’s blood flow has ceased. We will also use a brain ultrasound to compare its accuracy in non-invasively determining the moment and pulse pressure at which the brain loses blood flow. By doing so, this study will provide the foundation to conduct a larger multisite study to definitively determine the moment that brain blood flow stops using brain monitoring devices and expedite the process of DCD.