Résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche du PRDTC

Le PRDTC est ravi d’annoncer les résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche, rendu possible grâce à des partenariats avec diverses organisations. Nous sommes fiers de présenter tous les projets innovants qui ont été financés dans le cadre du concours de cette année.

Nous tenons à féliciter chaleureusement le Dr Michael Khoury et son équipe pour avoir reçu la bourse d’innovation en recherche PRDTC Big Gifts for Little Lives. Nous leur souhaitons tout le succès possible dans la réalisation de leur projet novateur !

Bourse d’innovation en recherche PRDTC Big Gifts for Little Lives : Dr Michael Khoury

Utilizing Exercise Cardiovascular and Skeletal Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Evaluate Factors Associated with Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients 

  • Affiliation principale : Université de l’Alberta
  • Thème 5 – Rétablir la santé à long terme
Résumé (en anglais)

Children who have received heart transplants have had improving outcomes across recent decades. However, these children on average have reduced fitness levels compared with children who are not heart transplant recipients (HTRs). There are multiple contributing causes for the reduced fitness levels in childhood HTRs. There has been increased interest evaluating how the heart and muscles respond to exercise in HTRs. However, no studies to date have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which is the “gold-standard” way to measure heart function, blood circulation, and muscle function in a non-invasive way. Therefore, in this study, we plan to study the relationship between heart and muscle MRI findings with fitness levels (measured using a bicycle exercise test) in childhood HTRs. We will also study the changes in heart and muscle MRI measurements for children who have been enrolled in a separate study involving a 12-week home-based exercise program. We will recruit 10-18 year old childhood HTRs, and will aim for about 10 research participants in total.

This work will allow us to study the heart and muscle factors that contribute towards fitness levels in childhood HTRs. Using MRI, we will be able to gain new knowledge at a degree of detail that has not previously been performed to date. This may allow us to provide our patients with exercise programs in a focused and individualized way. We hope this study will provide important information that will help us undertake larger scale studies for childhood HTRs across Canada.