Résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche du PRDTC

Le PRDTC est ravi d’annoncer les résultats du Concours 2023 de subventions pour l’innovation en recherche, rendu possible grâce à des partenariats avec diverses organisations. Nous sommes fiers de présenter tous les projets innovants qui ont été financés dans le cadre du concours de cette année.

Nous tenons à féliciter chaleureusement le Dr James Lan et son équipe pour avoir reçu la bourse Transplant Research Foundation of BC/CDTRP Venture. Nous leur souhaitons tout le succès possible dans la réalisation de leur projet novateur !

« Transplant Research Foundation of BC est ravie de soutenir une recherche d’une telle ampleur et d’une telle profondeur qui mènera à d’importantes nouvelles découvertes qui transformeront véritablement le don et la transplantation d’organes en Colombie-Britannique et au Canada. »

– Elaine Yong, co-responsable TRFBC

Bourse Transplant Research Foundation of BC/CDTRP Venture : Dr. James Lan

Accelerating the Translation of a Novel Luminex Anti-ABO Antibody Detection Technology to Expand the Use of ABO-Incompatible Transplantation in Canada 

  • Affiliation principale : Université de Colombie-Britannique
  • Thème 3 – Des greffons de qualité optimale
Résumé (en anglais)

Although kidney transplantation offers better patient survival and quality of life over dialysis treatment, many patients on the transplant wait-list have a hard time finding a match due to their blood type. The ABO blood group of a patient is one of the most important factors that determines their ability to find a match. In Canada, patients that are blood group B and O experience much longer transplant wait-times compared to patients with other blood groups (A and AB). To overcome this problem, doctors can perform transplantation across blood groups (ABO incompatible transplantation) to help difficult to match patients. However, this approach is not used widely as it can increase the risk of rejection. This is because doctors cannot reliably tell based on the current lab test which patients are safe to transplant across the ABO blood group. In a breakthrough development, our research group developed a new lab test (Luminex method) which can better assess the risk of rejection in patients that choose to receive an ABO-incompatible transplant. In this research, we will apply the Luminex test to understand why some patients develop rejection when they receive an ABO-incompatible transplant while others don’t. In addition, we will test blood samples from patients on the current transplant wait-list to advise clinicians whether ABO-incompatible transplantation is a good treatment option. This research is innovative as it has the potential to safely allow for transplants that would previously not occur and greatly expand the transplant opportunities for patients awaiting a kidney transplant.