
About Stéphanie Larivière

Stéphanie has a background in Biotechnology and Applied Arts. In 2017, she joined the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) as a research coordinator in kidney transplantation. In 2019, she joined the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) as the Communications and Data Manager. In this role, Stéphanie manages the CDTRP’s website, the various social media platforms, and all the visual and technical aspects of the virtual and in-person conferences. She is the creative mind of CDTRP and a fervent behind the scene worker. Stéphanie is based out in Montréal, where she lives with her cat. She is passionate about culture (music, books, movies) and is a fancy natural wine and craft beer drinker.

IVADO Call for proposals in response to COVID-19

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM IVADO  In the current situation, we are committed to supporting data science and digital intelligence initiatives that can have a real short term impact on the pandemic we are now facing. We invite you to collaborate with us in order to provide solutions to the challenges presented by COVID-19, especially through [...]

2020-03-23T23:56:32-04:00March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Recording Available: COVID-19 Town Hall for Transplant and Donation

A number of transplant organizations from around the world have partnered to develop this educational webinar for the organ donation and transplantation communities. The goal was to share experiences to date and respond to questions about the impact of COVID-19 on organ donation and transplantation. Enjoy the Town Hall by accessing the recording here. [...]

2020-03-24T21:46:16-04:00March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

POSTPONED – CDTRP Innovation Grant notification date

CDTRP INNOVATION GRANT COMPETITION Due to the current national climate, and the fact that most of our reviewers are swamped with clinical and urgent administrative responsibilities, we have to put a hold on the review calls. We are currently looking into the first week of June to have the evaluation calls, meaning that we [...]

2020-03-23T23:55:59-04:00March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

American Journal of Transplantation makes all publications on COVID-19 free access

In the interest of facilitating patient care and advancing science, and ensuring that accurate knowledge and experience is available to all during this current time of crisis, American Journal of Transplantation (AJT) has been expediting review of all papers dealing with COVID-19, as well as making them free to access for all. All articles [...]

2020-03-23T23:55:39-04:00March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

A Message from the Executive about COVID-19

As an effort to support CDTRP members and collaborators during the effects of COVID-19, the CDTRP is ready to offer tele/video-conferences and webinar platforms to keep collaborations open during this current climate of risks surrounding travel and face-to-face meeting. To request access to our conference and webinar platforms, please email We highly recommend [...]

2020-03-12T17:17:50-04:00March 12th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

CBS 2018 Systems Progress Report

The Canadian Blood Services 2018 Systems Progress Report is now online. The results reflected in these reports represent the individual and collective work of the provincial and territorial partners, organ donation programs, and transplant programs as well as the national efforts led by Canadian Blood Services. To learn more about the the CBS 2018 [...]

2020-03-10T19:19:39-04:00March 10th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

2020: A year for Canada to leap ahead in donation and transplantation research

2020 is a year of opportunity for our network. Many of you will remember our roots, as we together founded the Canadian National Transplantation Research Program in 2013. The goal was to bring together our country's diverse donation and transplantation research communities, an ongoing effort that we are just as passionate about today. Over [...]

2020-03-05T19:11:47-04:00March 5th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Update on the 2019 Innovation Grant Competition

We are very pleased to share an update about the 2019 CDTRP Innovation Grant Competition, closed for applications on February 19, 2020. The CDTRP received a total of 47 applications. This level of engagement shows the steady demand for this type of funding and the steadfast commitment from each of our partners who together [...]

2020-03-03T17:15:47-04:00March 3rd, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|
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