
About Stéphanie Larivière

Stéphanie has a background in Biotechnology and Applied Arts. In 2017, she joined the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) as a research coordinator in kidney transplantation. In 2019, she joined the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) as the Communications and Data Manager. In this role, Stéphanie manages the CDTRP’s website, the various social media platforms, and all the visual and technical aspects of the virtual and in-person conferences. She is the creative mind of CDTRP and a fervent behind the scene worker. Stéphanie is based out in Montréal, where she lives with her cat. She is passionate about culture (music, books, movies) and is a fancy natural wine and craft beer drinker.

French Webinar: COVID-19 et les Patients Transplantés – Réponse à vos Questions

COVID-19 is a serious health thread and the situation is evolving daily. In these uncertain times, it's normal to feel anxious, especially for those with underlying health conditions. Talking to people you can trust and getting the information you need can help. The Kidney Foundation, in collaboration with the Canadian Society of Nephrology and [...]

2020-05-04T19:44:01-04:00May 4th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Grant Application Success: Improved organ transplant across the ABO barrier through enzymatic removal of antigens

The CDTRP is pleased to announce a successful grant application to the Fall 2019 Collaborative Health Research Projects (NSERC partnered) grant competition. This project is a collaboration between the team of Drs Stephen Withers (UBC chemist), Jay Kizhakkedathu (UBC Centre for Blood Research), Dana Devine (Canadian Blood services and UBC), Peter Rahfeld (UBC chemistry), [...]

2020-04-27T21:31:41-04:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Webinar: COVID-19 and Transplant Patients – Your Questions Answered

COVID-19 is a serious health thread and the situation is evolving daily. In these uncertain times, it's normal to feel anxious, especially for those with underlying health conditions. Talking to people you can trust and getting the information you need can help. The Kidney Foundation, in collaboration with the Canadian Society of Nephrology and [...]

2020-04-27T20:30:59-04:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Webinar: Monitoring the immune system to fight COVID-19: CD4 status, lymphopenia, and infectivity

Science magazine is presenting a webinar titled "Monitoring the immune system to fight COVID-19: CD4 status, lymphopenia and infectivity" on April 30 at 12pm EST. Some of the topics covered will be: An overview of flow cytometry and immunophenotyping of the major lymphocyte subsets in relation to COVID-19 clinical research Learn about the application [...]

2020-04-28T14:21:56-04:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

Support for students and new grads affected by COVID-19

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced comprehensive support of nearly $9 billion for post-secondary students and recent graduates. This plan will help provide the financial support they need this summer, help them continue their studies in the fall, and help many get the experience they need to start their careers. To read more about [...]

2020-04-28T14:28:51-04:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

NASA iTech: Tevosol presents EVOSS

Dr. Jayan Nagendran, from University of Alberta and Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute gives a 3-minute overview on NASA's Ignite the Night virtual meeting. The CDTRP was proud to support early research that led to Dr. Nagendran's and Dr. Freed's successful endeavour. See the entire meeting here or enjoy the 3-minute clip. Learn more about [...]

2020-04-27T20:38:13-04:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week 2020

National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (NOTDAW) raises awareness about the critical need for more donors across the country and encourages Canadians to register their decision and to talk to their loved ones about organ donation. The year 2017 marked the 20th anniversary of National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week. In 2020, [...]

2020-04-20T17:56:15-04:00April 20th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|

CDTRP Trainee Presentations

Many of the CDTRP trainees were selected to speak at international conferences this year. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, many presentations have been cancelled (see our Events page for more details). CDTRP saw this as an opportunity to showcase their projects and work via a Zoom call, with the additional challenge of presenting their scientific [...]

2020-04-17T13:11:04-04:00April 14th, 2020|Categories: Featured, General|
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