Récipiendaire de la bourse Transplant Research Foundation of BC/CDTRP Venture – Evaluation of propyl gallate for limitation of cold ischemic injury in organ preservation (Caigan Du)

Grâce à sa collaboration avec des organisations partenaires, le PRDTC est heureux d’offrir son Concours de subventions à la recherche et l’innovation pour financer de nouvelles idées de projets passionnants. Au cours des prochaines semaines, nous présenterons tous les projets financés dans le cadre du concours de 2021.

Projet financé grâce à une bourse Transplant Research Foundation of BC/CDTRP Venture :

Titre : Evaluation of propyl gallate for limitation of cold ischemic injury in organ preservation

  • Chercheur principal : Caigain Du
  • Principale affiliation : Université de Colombie-Britannique
  • Thème 3
  • Équipe : Christopher Nguan
Résumé (en anglais)

Organ transplantation starts from a surgical procedure – removing an organ from a donor body and then implanting it into a recipient. However, cells of the donor organ die immediately after the blood supply is disrupted; thus, the donor organ must be perfused and stored in a cold preservation solution to control its damage. There are several preservation solutions available, but none of them performs ideally, particularly in the preservation of the deceased donors because a large number (up to 50%) of them don’t not work properly after transplantation. As a result, it increases the health care cost of transplant patients, shortens implanted organ survival and limits use of those deceased donors. Our objective is to develop a better cold preservation solution based on a novel hyperbranched polyglycerol and propyl gallate. Our preliminary studies show that the HPG-based preservation solution protects the organs to be transplanted superior to any of the current methods available. Addition of propyl gallate to this HPG solution or standard University of Wisconsin (UW) solution further prevents cell death in three different human cells. In this proposal, we will use a preclinical model to confirm the increased prevention of donor kidney injury by addition of propyl gallate to the organ preservation solution. We anticipate that the success of this project will have significant impact: on patient’s recovery after surgery; increasing the donor pool to benefit more Canadians who need a transplant to save their life; and will translate to significant savings to Canadian health care system.

Pour en savoir plus sur Caigan, un nouveau membre du PRDTC, cliquez ici.