Première conférence internationale du Canadian NASH Network (CanNASH) en collaboration avec la Single Topic Conference de la Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL)
Due to the obesity and co-epidemic of type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease in our country, affecting one in fourth Canadians. NAFLD is an accumulation of fat in the liver. NAFLD can evolve to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the most severe form of NAFLD, leading to cirrhosis and need for liver transplant. NASH is nowadays the second leading indication to liver transplant in Canada, and is projected to become the main one within 10 years. The Canadian NASH (CanNASH) Network is an international research group of academic and clinical units aiming to improve knowledge on the frequency, diagnosis and physiopathology of NASH and its complications. The theme of the 1st International Workshop of the CanNASH Network will focus on discussing current knowledge about priority areas of research, including: 1. The frequency and risk factors of NASH in Canada; 2. Non-invasive biomarkers to diagnose NASH without the need for the invasive liver biopsy; 3. Possible ways to treat NASH. This workshop addresses and contributes to the strategic research priorities of the CIHR Institute of Nutrition, Diabetes and Metabolism by aligning with all its three strategic priorities and contributes to the strategic plan 2015-2020 in the areas of biomedical/clinical and population health (prevention) research. This workshop will promote knowledge exchange among international key opinion leaders in the field and Canadian researchers and knowledge dissemination to practitioners and affected patients. It will contribute to effective partnerships and outstanding research at national and global levels and put Canada at the forefront of the growing global concern around NASH.
La conférence virtuelle se tiendra les 8 et 9 avril 2021.
Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant!
Jeudi 8 avril 2021
SESSION 1 – Pathophysiologie et complications – 11h40 – 13h30 ET
Modérateur : Peter Metrakos, MUHC-McGill University Health CenterSESSION 2 – Diagnostics et biomarqueurs – 14h00 – 16h40 ET
Modératrice : Naglaa Shoukry, Université de Montréal
Vendredi 9 avril 2021
SESSION 3 – Approches thérapeutiques – 11h00 – 12h50 ET
Modérateur : Jean-Marie Ekoé, Université de MontréalSESSION 4 – Syndrome métabolique et maladies cardiovasculaires – 13h20 – 15h35 ET
Modérateur : Alnoor Ramji, University of British Columbia (CanNASH Steering Committee)
Consultez le programme complet ici (en anglais).
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