Pediatric Transplant Symposium

La Dre Lorraine Hamiwka est heureuse d’organiser le tout premier , est heureuse d’organiser le tout premier symposium multidisciplinaire et multi-organes sur la transplantation pédiatrique, qui se tiendra en format hybride, avec un volet en personne à Calgary, en Alberta.

Ce symposium vise à mettre en évidence les opportunités actuelles et émergentes pour mettre en œuvre les dernières preuves en matière de recherche sur la transplantation pédiatrique en Alberta et à l’international. Il comprendra également un conférencier principal, des sessions supplémentaires, des tables rondes, des sessions interactives et des moments dédiés au réseautage. Ce programme rassemble des chercheurs de renommée mondiale (d’Alberta, du Canada et de l’international), des professionnels de la santé, ainsi que des partenaires de recherche impliquant des patients, des familles et des donneurs, qui sont à la pointe de la recherche sur la transplantation pédiatrique. Ce forum mettra en évidence les principaux développements scientifiques qui ont permis d’améliorer les soins, le traitement et le bien-être des patients et de leurs familles avant, pendant et après une greffe d’organe. Cet événement est gratuit.

Session No.3: : Patient Self-Empowerment: Pre-and-Post-Transplant Care

Cette session commencera par une présentation de la Dre Samantha Anthony sur Strategies for Patient Empowerment (13:00–13:15). Elle sera suivie d’une table ronde (13 h 15 – 13 h 45) avec des receveurs de greffe et des parents de receveurs de greffes, qui partageront leur parcours. Le Dr Michael Khoury présentera ensuite Empowerment Through Physical Exercise (13:45–14:00).La session sera modérée par les docteurs Simon Lam, David Nicholas et Mme. Jenny Wichart.
Inscrivez-vous ci-dessous pour vous assurer de participer à ces discussions éclairantes!



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À propos de Tanis Mitchell

Tanis Mitchell is a proud medical mom to her daughter, Lukah, who underwent a multi-organ transplant six years ago. Their journey has involved navigating the complexities of pre- and post-transplant care, transforming Tanis into an advocate for patient and parent empowerment. Through numerous medical challenges and moments of triumph, she has learned the importance of building a strong support system and fostering collaboration between families and healthcare providers. Tanis is passionate about sharing their story of physical and emotional healing, emphasizing resilience, and is committed to helping other families find their voice and strength in their own medical journeys through connection, education, and advocacy.
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À propos de Lindsey Kemp

Lindsey Kemp was born and raised in Edmonton, AB.  With a degree in Music Performance (saxophone performance) and Education, Lindsey has taught for over a decade in the Edmonton Public School system. When she is not teaching, she is very involved in the music community, performing in the Edmonton Winds, conducting her own community ensemble (The Beer League Band) and on numerous musical boards across the province. For the past 5 years, Lindsey has had to take a break from teaching after having her amazing son, George. Maternity leave did not go as expected as George was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy at 5 months old and required 2 heart transplants before the age of 4. During this time, Lindsey has also begun to dedicate her time building and expanding her charity: Big Gifts for Little Lives, where they raise money to fund Pediatric Heart Transplant research at the Stollery.
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À propos de Grecia Galindo

Grecia Galindo is a 5-year post-transplant patient who received a kidney transplant in 2019, with her father as the donor. This experience has inspired her to advocate for young transplant patients, particularly those without adequate support. Currently studying fashion design, she also dedicates her time to supporting children and families facing health challenges, emphasizing community and shared experiences. Her mission is to help ease the transplant process and transition to adult healthcare, using her story to provide guidance and reassurance.
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À propos de Sean Delaney

Sean Delaney is based in Edmonton, Alberta and has worked as a senior health policy and management professional in the Organ Donationa and Transplantation system for the past 20 years. His career spans work in hospitals, health regions, provincial government and nationally with Canadian Blood Services for 16 years. Most recently, Sean has joined the Alberta Transplant Institute (ATI) as their Director of Operations, where he supports researchers and decision makers in driving innovation in Alberta to benefit the care for patients, families/caregivers, and donors. He is also a lifelong kidney patient and 2-time kidney transplant recipient, receiving his most recent transplant from a generous living donor in October 2020.