Pediatric Transplant Symposium

La Dre Lorraine Hamiwka est heureuse d’organiser le tout premier , est heureuse d’organiser le tout premier symposium multidisciplinaire et multi-organes sur la transplantation pédiatrique, qui se tiendra en format hybride, avec un volet en personne à Calgary, en Alberta.

Ce symposium vise à mettre en évidence les opportunités actuelles et émergentes pour mettre en œuvre les dernières preuves en matière de recherche sur la transplantation pédiatrique en Alberta et à l’international. Il comprendra également un conférencier principal, des sessions supplémentaires, des tables rondes, des sessions interactives et des moments dédiés au réseautage. Ce programme rassemble des chercheurs de renommée mondiale (d’Alberta, du Canada et de l’international), des professionnels de la santé, ainsi que des partenaires de recherche impliquant des patients, des familles et des donneurs, qui sont à la pointe de la recherche sur la transplantation pédiatrique. Ce forum mettra en évidence les principaux développements scientifiques qui ont permis d’améliorer les soins, le traitement et le bien-être des patients et de leurs familles avant, pendant et après une greffe d’organe. Cet événement est gratuit.

Les Introductions

Le Symposium sur la transplantation pédiatrique débutera par les mots de bienvenue de la présidente du comité de planification, la Dre Lorraine Hamiwka (8 h 00 – 8 h 15), suivis d’une introduction et d’un aperçu par la Dre Rulan Parekh (8 h 15 – 8 h 30). Ce symposium lancera des discussions sur les progrès de la transplantation pédiatrique et la promotion de soins équitables pour les enfants et leurs familles.
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À propos de Dre. Lorraine Hamiwka

Dr. Lorraine Hamiwka is an Associate Professor at the University of Calgary,Cumming School of Medicine and a Pediatric Nephrologist at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. She is the Past-Chair of the Pediatric Group of the Canadian Society of Transplantation. She is the Director of the Pediatric Kidney Transplant Program at the Alberta Children’s Hospital and leads the “Young Adult Kidney Transplant Clinic” in Calgary designed to improve young adult kidney transplant recipients’ healthcare experience. Her research interests in pediatric transplantation include quality of life and long-term outcomes. Dr. Hamiwka is currently involved and supports several national multicenter transplant research projects as well as many national initiatives.
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À propos de Dre. Rulan Parekh

Rulan S. Parekh MD, MS, FRCP(C), FASN
Dr. Rulan S. Parekh is Vice President, Academics, Women’s College Hospital, Staff Nephrologist at Women’s College Hospital and Hospital for Sick Children and Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine in the Departments of Medicine, Paediatrics, Epidemiology and Health Policy and Management Evaluation at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Rulan Parekh is a clinician-scientist, and an international leader in clinical epidemiology and translational research in kidney disease. Her work has revealed novel genetic risk factors leading to kidney disease and increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality for children and adults with kidney disease. At the University of Michigan, Dr. Parekh was uniquely trained in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine with subspecialty training in both Pediatric and Adult Nephrology and research training, completing her Master’s in Biostatistics and Study Design. She subsequently went on to post-doctoral training at Johns Hopkins University and joined the faculty in 2000. She successfully competed for an NIH Career Development Research Award and the American Society of Nephrology Carl W. Gottschalk Award for young investigators, establishing successful research programs in the genetics and cardiovascular complications of kidney disease.
In 2008, she returned to her native Canada and accepted a faculty position at the University of Toronto (UofT) and a Scientist position within the SickKids Research Institute and now Women’s College Hospital. Since 2000, Dr. Parekh has maintained a record of sustained NIH and CIHR funding. She has significant productivity with more than 218 published manuscripts, over 15, 208 citations, and a stellar track record of training and mentoring 80 students and post-doctoral trainees. She has received several awards, and most recently was selected as the Barbara T. Murphy Award recipient, an American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Lifetime Achievement Award. Other awards include the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland Award, and the Advising Mentoring, and Teaching Research Award, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She was elected into academic honor societies such as the American Society of Clinical Investigation, the Association of American Physicians, the Pediatric Academic Society, and the American Pediatric Society. Dr. Parekh previously held a Canada Research Chair in Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology and now holds the F.M. Hill Chair in Health System Solutions.