CDTRP Media Workshop Series on ODT & Health Literacy: Engaging the public online during policy change
The CDTRP, in collaboration with the Health Law Institute from the University of Alberta, is happy to announce the second Media Workshop on Organ Donation and Transplantation (ODT) & Health Literacy on May 17, 2022.
This second Workshop, entitled “Engaging the public online during policy change“, will focus on social media and individuals will share their recent and extensive experience engaging the public online. They will discuss the complexities around hosting and moderating discussions, creating accurate informative content, and responding to misinformation. They will highlight challenges and lessons learned. Sharing their experiences will contribute to the ongoing discussions around how to best engage the public online for individuals, employers, and institutions.
- Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
- Time: 2 pm – 3:30 pm EDT
- Where: Zoom
If you missed the first Workshop on April 20, 2022, you can view the recording here.
Second Workshop: Engaging the public online during policy change
Overview agenda:
- Alessandro Marcon – Intro and Welcome Remarks
- Holly Mason & Phil Walton – Presumed consent in the UK context
- Michelle Crosby – Presumed consent in the Nova Scotia context
- Sophia Belyk – Science up First
- Discussion
The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Warren Fingrut.
Intro & Welcome remarks
Alessandro Marcon
Alessandro Marcon has been a Research Associate at the Health Law Institute since 2015. He has led and contributed to research projects exploring how the media (e.g. the popular press, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram) represents key health and science policy issues related to the topics of genetics, stem cell research, alternative health therapies, breastfeeding, vaccination, donation and transplantation, and health-related marketing.

Holly Mason
Holly Mason is the Head of Marketing for Organ Donation at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT). In her role at NHSBT, she is responsible for leading the strategic development and delivery of activity across England and Wales to increase willingness to donate and to encourage people to make their decision on organ donation known, via recording it on the NHS Organ Donor Register and sharing their decision with their family.
During her 15 year career at NHSBT, she has worked in different public engagement roles across blood donation and more recently organ donation. Over the last 5 years she has been fortunate to work with an amazing team to deliver two national campaigns; the “Pass It On” campaign to inform the public of the change to an opt-out system and our most recent “Leave Them Certain” campaign to encourage the public to share their decision.

Phil Walton
Phil is a nurse with extensive experience working in Critical Care and Organ Donation. Since joining NHS Blood and Transplant in 2009 he has worked as a donor transplant coordinator in South Wales, facilitating donations across the region. Phil was the operational leader for Wales when they changed their consent system to Opt-Out in 2015 and led the team through the implementation phase of that change.
Since 2018, Phil has been the Legislation Project Lead for Opt-Out across the U.K., focusing on the operational delivery of consent changes in all U.K. countries and Crowd Dependencies, culminating in the successful implementation of Opt-Out in Jersey, England and Scotland. Currently, Phil is NHSBT’s advisor to the Northern Ireland Department of Health, supporting the passage of their Bill through the legislative process and planning for implementation in 2023/24.
Michelle Crosby
Michelle Crosby is a Marketing Advisor for Communications Nova Scotia – the Province’s marketing and communications agency. With over 10 years experience working in marketing, digital media, and social media strategy, Michelle has spent the last few years working closely with the Department of Health and Wellness on various health and health promotion initiatives.

Sophia Belyk
Sophia Belyk is the Content Producer for #ScienceUpFirst, an online initiative committed to sharing the best available science in creative ways to stop the spread of misinformation.

Warren Fingrut
Dr. Fingrut is a Transplant Hematologist, currently in his second year of Fellowship in Adult Bone Marrow Transplantation at Memorial Sloan Cancer Center in New York. Prior to starting at MSKCC, he completed medical school at University of British Columbia, Internal Medicine Residency Training at University of Toronto, and Hematology Fellowship at University of British Columbia. Dr. Fingrut is also founder and Director of Stem Cell Club, a national not-for-profit organization in Canada which works to address racial disparity in access to matched unrelated stem cell donors.