Le PRDTC est ravis d’annoncer la nouvelle codirectrice de la plateforme patients, familles et doneurs: Mme Sandra Holdsworth
Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que Mme Sandra Holdsworth est la nouvelle codirectrice de la plateforme patients, familles et doneurs. Membre précieuse de la communauté du PRDTC depuis de nombreuses années, Sandra a apporté une contribution significative à nos recherches et initiatives en tant que partenaire-patient dévouée. Son expérience et ses connaissances ont enrichi notre travail, et nous sommes ravis de la voir prendre cette responsabilité. Rejoignez-nous pour faire sa connaissance et découvrir sa vision et ses aspirations alors qu’elle entre dans ce nouveau rôle au sein de la plateforme patients, familles et doneurs!
À propos de Mme. Sandra Holdsworth (en anglais)
What inspired you to join CDTRP’s PFD Partnership Platform as a co-lead?
My journey with CDTRP began well before our November 2015 meeting to shape the Patient Family Donor (PFD) platform. Initially, I contributed to Project 7, later Theme 5, focusing on long-term outcomes. Since 1999, I’ve been actively involved in system transformation and guideline development within OTDT systems & networks, including recent work with the OTDT Collaborative. This experience has enriched my understanding of the field, and I’m passionate about sharing these insights to benefit other patient family donors. My commitment to patient engagement is strengthened by my experiences with CDTRP, where I’ve had the privilege of working with researchers as a Patient Partner. We have many researchers that understand the value of partnership with PFDs, however there are still many that don’t.
What impact do you hope to make in strengthening partnerships between PFDs and PIs/Trainees?
I aim to foster stronger communication among PFDs. By amplifying patient engagement in our projects, I envision a co-designed approach to best practices for knowledge translation and personalized training pathways. My goal is to cultivate meaningful partnerships that empower everyone involved.
Fun fact about yourself
Diagnosed with ADHD in my 50s, I proudly embrace it as my superpower! While many think inside or outside the box, I like to say, “For me, there is no box.”