Context of the study
Earlier this year, Dr. Holly Mansell’s team presented to Theme 5 on the development of a patient-oriented video series to improve education for kidney transplant recipients (VECTOR – Video Education and Behaviour Contract to Optimize Adherence in Renal Transplants). After an extensive needs assessment and patient consultations, their team developed a series of videos to attempt to improve education both before and after transplant. The videos incorporate animations and patient testimonials to explain complex information in an interesting and relatable way (see the Introductory video below). With funding from SHRF, SCPOR and AST, they have been conducting two multicenter, randomized controlled trials to test the effectiveness of delivering the video series electronically, both before and after kidney transplantation.
See website of the study here.
They have completed enrolment in the pre-transplant trial and initial results are positive. Video education delivered to patients at home in this format has improved patient knowledge, satisfaction and confidence before kidney transplant. Enrolment in the post-transplant (VECTOR – Video Education and Behaviour Contract to Optimize Adherence in Renal Transplants) study is approximately one third complete. In order to prevent contamination of the VECTOR study, they cannot provide access to these videos to patients until VECTOR is complete. The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated an expansion of virtual health care delivery, and it seems inappropriate to hold back this resource as they try to complete study enrolment.
The VECTOR study is enrolling adult de novo kidney transplant recipients during their hospital stay after their transplant. Patients are randomized to receive either video education plus a behaviour contract, and the primary outcome is adherence at one year post transplant. All interventions are delivered to patients at home (see https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/3/e025495).
They are seeking additional sites that are willing to enrol patients into VECTOR to help them complete their study and allow them to make this educational resource available to patients more quickly!
To streamline enrolment, they are in the process of amending the study protocol to allow for virtual enrolment. This will eliminate the need for additional site research assistants, simplify all other study activities, and make it much quicker and easier to bring on another site.
As soon as enrolment is complete in the VECTOR study, all participating sites will have access to the videos and permission to use them in their center as desired in pre- and post-transplant settings. Please see the Introductory video of the study below.
For more information, please contact Holly Mansell (holly.mansell@usask.ca).
Thank you for your consideration!