CDTRP Research Connect Series
The CDTRP is pleased to host its new discussion-based meeting series called “Research Connect“.
This series streamlines the subset of Theme, Hub, and Working Group meetings that aimed to share and discuss the latest research findings across the network and our Webinar series, which featured national and international speakers. Theme, Hub, and Working Group meetings aimed at developing new initiatives, projects, or grants will be scheduled separately, approximately three times per year per group.
The series takes place every other Tuesday at 1-2 pm EST.
Our goal is to make it easy for our members to know about and attend high quality presentations across all Themes and topics of interest. We are aiming for active discussions including researchers, trainees, and patient, family, and donor partners, engaging the whole community as if we were having a family dinner rather than listening to a formal presentation.
Dr. Matthew Weiss and Claire Williment – International Forum Outputs regarding Donation System Architecture, Consent Models and Emerging Legal Issues
On May 16, 2023, we were pleased to have Dr. Matthew Weiss, pediatric intensivist at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec and an assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the Université Laval, along with Claire Williment, the Accountable Executive – Organ Utilisation Programme; Consent Legislation Implementation at NHS Blood and Transplant, to present on the topic: “International Forum Outputs regarding Donation System Architecture, Consent Models and Emerging Legal Issues” as part of the CDTRP Theme 2 – Inform Universal Practices for Donation.
About Dr. Matthew Weiss
Matthew Weiss is a pediatric intensivist working in Québec City at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec and an assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the Université Laval. He has multiple provincial and national donation roles, most notably as medical director of donation at Transplant Québec. His research interests mainly focus on the implementation of legislative and policy reform in organ donation. He is the national lead of the LEADDR research program on implementation of reforms in Nova Scotia and had led or collaborated in the development of several deceased donation best practice guidelines. His multiple peer reviewed publications touch on diverse aspects of adult and pediatric donation. Dr. Weiss has presented on these topics in local, national, and international scientific conferences and is a frequent communicator of donation policies and practices in media outlets.

About Claire Williment
Claire Williment was appointed as the Head of Transplant Development in NHS Blood and Transplant in 2013, with responsibility for developing and implementing strategies for increasing the number and quality of organs for transplant both nationally and internationally. In 2017 she was appointed as the Accountable Executive for Opt Out Legislation Implementation, to oversee the development and delivery of plans to implement the changes in 6 different UK countries regarding consent for organ and tissue donation. In 2020, she was appointed as the Accountable Executive for the Organ Utilisation Programme, leading a portfolio of activities aimed to maximise the potential for organ transplantation in the UK. She is also the Secretary to the Organ Utilisation Group, responsible for making recommendations for improving the UK transplant services.
Prior to joining NHSBT, Claire worked in the Department of Health, where she was a Senior Policy Lead with organ donation, respiratory disease and pathology services within her portfolio. She also spent several years working in Health Ministers’ offices.