CDTRP Research Connect Series
The CDTRP Research Connect series is making a return, promising stimulating discussions every other Tuesday at 1 pm ET from September to November 2023, starting on September 5th. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for this engaging series!
This series streamlines the subset of Theme, Hub, and Working Group meetings that aimed to share and discuss the latest research findings across the network and our Webinar series, which featured national and international speakers. Theme, Hub, and Working Group meetings aimed at developing new initiatives, projects, or grants will be scheduled separately, approximately three times per year per group. Our goal is to make it easy for our members to know about and attend high quality presentations across all Themes and topics of interest. We are aiming for active discussions including researchers, trainees, and patient, family, and donor partners, engaging the whole community as if we were having a family dinner rather than listening to a formal presentation.
Dr. Vanessa Silva e Silva – ARDOT Working Group: Discussing the Future
On September 5, 2023, we were pleased to have Dr. Vanessa Silva e Silva, PhD-nurse and Assistant Professor at Brock University, to present on the topic: “ARDOT Working Group: Discussing the Future” as part of the CDTRP Allied Research in Donation and Transplantation (ARDOT) Working Group.
About Dr. Vanessa Silva e Silva
Vanessa is a PhD-nurse, and a former Organ Donation Coordinator who has been devoted to research and active involvement in Organ Donation and Transplantation activities for over 10 years. Her research expertise is focused in quality improvement of organ donation programs and structures worldwide. She was a Kidney Research Scientist Core Education Program (KRESCENT) fellow and a Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) trainee. She currently co-leads two groups within the CDTRP structure: Theme 1 “Improve the Culture of Donation” and the Allied Research in Donation and Transplantation (ARDOT) working group. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Brock University, and lead the investigation of burnout among donation coordinators, with the support and collaboration of Canadian Blood Services and key organ donation researchers nationally and internationally.