CDTRP Research Connect Series
The CDTRP is pleased to host its new discussion-based meeting series called “Research Connect“.
This series streamlines the subset of Theme, Hub, and Working Group meetings that aimed to share and discuss the latest research findings across the network and our Webinar series, which featured national and international speakers. Theme, Hub, and Working Group meetings aimed at developing new initiatives, projects, or grants will be scheduled separately, approximately three times per year per group.
The series takes place every other Tuesday at 1-2 pm EST.
Our goal is to make it easy for our members to know about and attend high quality presentations across all Themes and topics of interest. We are aiming for active discussions including researchers, trainees, and patient, family, and donor partners, engaging the whole community as if we were having a family dinner rather than listening to a formal presentation.
Dr. Golnaz Karoubi – Repopulation of Long Segment Tracheal Allografts for Transplantation
On May 30, 2023, we were pleased to have Dr. Golnaz Karoubi, Assistant Scientist at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (University Health Network) and Assistant Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology to present on the topic: “Repopulation of Long Segment Tracheal Allografts for Transplantation” as part of the CDTRP Theme 3 – Engineer and Allocate Better Grafts.
Repopulation of Long Segment Tracheal Allografts for Transplantation
The generation of bioengineered tissues and organs is an exciting field of research which in the future, can possibly lead to a new source of grafts for transplantation. Using biological scaffolds and recipient-derived stem cells, we aim to generate bioengineered tracheas for eventual transplantation. Importantly, the use of recipient’s own cells would prevent rejection and eliminate the need for immune suppression significantly increasing patient quality of life. This has wide implications for not only tracheal transplantation but across all solid organs.
About Dr. Golnaz Karoubi
Dr. Golnaz Karoubi is Assistant Scientist at the Toronto General HospitalResearch Institute and principal investigator in the Latner Thoracic Research Labs. She currently holds an Assistant Professor appointment in the department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and a cross-appointment in the department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. Dr. Karoubi received her PhD in Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto and joined the Lung Regenerative Medicine Program in the Department of Clinical Research in Berne University, Switzerland for a post-doctoral research fellowship. She stayed on as a Group Leader in 2008 to direct the basic and transitional science as related to Cancer Stem Cell and Lung Regenerative Medicine in the Department of Biomedical Research at the University of Berne until 2012. In early 2012, she joined the team of Dr. Tom Waddell at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute as a Senior Scientific Associate and was appointed to Assistant Scientist at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (University Health Network) in November 2019 and to Assistant Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology in July 2020.
Her research interests include development of practical approaches for treatment of lung and airway disease. Studies focus on: (1) Lung, tracheal and airway regeneration; (2) Use of pluripotent derived airway epithelial cells for tissue engineering applications; and (3) cell-based therapeutic approaches for end-stage lung disease.