The CDTRP Research Services is a platform to support the development of high-quality research in donation and transplantation. CDTRP Research Services Platform maximizes the effectiveness of research teams through support with funding development, project management, patient, family, and donor partnership, and knowledge mobilization. Across the five research themes, we support teams in mobilizing new knowledge to ensure patients, families, donors, healthcare systems, partners, and stakeholders benefit equitably from research results. All CDTRP members (senior, mid-career, early career, trainees, patient, family, and donor partners) are welcome to request CDTRP Research Services for projects they are leading.
Reasons to Partner with the CDTRP Research Services Platform
  • CDTRP is a mature, diverse network of 200 investigators, 100 trainees, 80 patient, family, and donor partners, and 100 partner organizations 

  • Our network has 10 years of experience making connections between researchers, patient, families, and donors, trainees, and knowledge users through projects, national meetings, webinars, and social media 

  • CDTRP annually supports $30-40 million in grant applications (60-70 individual applications) 

  • CDTRP has supported 275 collaborative research projects (completed or ongoing), and our network has mobilized research into policy change, legislation, commercial products, and improved knowledge for patients, families, and donors 

  • Under one roof, our experienced management team brings diverse professional skillsets (grant development, research management, communication, patient engagement and knowledge mobilization) and lived experience to offer supports that are specialized to donation and transplantation 

“With the support of the CDTRP Research Services team, we were successfully funded for a pilot RCT to evaluate rejection biomarker implementation. Particularly useful was the interaction with the PFD core to support the grant idea.
This has been a really positive collaboration and I’m looking forward to completing this and future projects!”
Dr. Tom D. Blydt-Hansen, MDCM, FRCPC, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia | Director, Multi Organ Transplant Program, BC Children’s Hospital
“The CDTRP has been outstanding in its support of my team’s successful research grant applications!
Their skill and enthusiasm have been key to driving excellent collaborative projects.
I appreciate their ability to connect with partners who inspire our research and advocate for implementation.”
Mamatha Bhat MD, MSc, PhD, FRCPC , Hepatologist & Co-Lead of Transplant AI initiative (TAI), Ajmera Transplant Centre Scientist, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute, University Health Networkogram, BC Children’s Hospital
“I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with the CDTRP on many projects.
They have been key to the success of recruiting and organizing PFD partners and helping successful funding requests.
Their expertise and enthusiasm have been key to many projects and I am sure will be for many more!”
Matthew Weiss MD, FRCPC, FAAP, Pediatric Intensivist & Assistant Professor, Centre Hospitalier de I'Université Laval (CHUL) Medical director of donation at Transplant Québec
“My research team and I have been extremely fortunate to have the support of the CDTRP on research projects.
CDTRP collaborated & co-sponsored our 2-day virtual meeting “Exploring Telerehabilitation Practices Across Canada”.
They were instrumental in kickstarting my research career as an early investigator, looking forward to ongoing collaborations!!“
Dmitry Rozenberg MD PhD FRCPC , Respirology, Ajmera Transplant Center, UHN


  • Grant development: We can help you develop competitive grant applications through writing and editing support, budget development, team and partnership building drawing on the CDTRP network, and application administration (e.g., CVs and signatures)

Contingent to a quote for any of CDTRP’s research services:

  • Economic, Legal, Ethics, and Social Analysis and pre-award clinical trial design support from experts from the Ottawa Methods Centre

  • Pre-award clinical trial design and support services: We can connect you to the right experts for advice in designing and running clinical trials, including methodological support, identifying site contacts for multisite studies, and facilitating a panel to review a trial protocol

  • Project management for multi-center studies, including coordinating communication across sites (e.g., to monitor ethics, contracts, and recruitment), coordinating team meetings, and support with data quality and management
  • Data Safety and Monitoring Board: Clinical studies can access an independent DSMB (upon acceptance) to help monitor progress and adverse events and provide arms-length advice on patient safety and trial accrual
  • Knowledge mobilization planning support to help teams identify and connect with knowledge users leveraging CDTRP’s infrastructure and partnerships
  • Developing and designing materials including study brochures, recruitment materials, lay summaries, infographics, and social media content, and promoting the work through our networks
  • Coordinating in-person, hybrid, and virtual events, including workshops, symposia, or collaboration-building meetings
  • We can help identify and onboard PFD partners, co-develop a patient engagement plan and strategies, administer remuneration and coordinate PFD partner involvement throughout the project’s lifecycle, from grant development to end-of-project knowledge mobilization
  • CDTRP supports trainees through a wide variety of educational activities and mentorship
  • Travel support is awarded competitively for the CDTRP Annual Scientific Meeting, where trainees can build their network and present their research


The Research Services Platform provides support on a cost-sharing basis. Each of our supports has an in-kind and a paid component. Once we agree on appropriate support, we will provide you with (1) a quote to incorporate into the grant budget and (2) a letter of support to attach to the grant application that describes the in-kind contribution. Receiving most of our in-kind support is contingent on providing a budget for related support as described in the quote. The quote and the letter can be adjusted after discussing specific needs and confirmed when a project is funded.

There is only one step to request support: fill out the Support Request form here! We will get back to you within 14 days.

In-kind component
  • Identifying PFDs and coordinating initial onboarding meeting.
  • Pre-award co-development of PFD strategy.
  • Pre-award: coordination of PFD/PI meetings and PFD admin support.
  • Pre-award: PFD compensation for up to 10 work hours (meetings/grant review)

Value: $5,000-$6,000 in-kind depending on the specific activities + up to $500 for PFD remuneration (to be determined on a case-by-case basis).

Paid component
  • Co-develop a project PFD Terms of Reference and engagement plan for grant proposals or funded studies (e.g., roles and objectives, meeting structure, accountability, decision-making, reporting, remuneration)
  • Coordinate & join project check-ins for PFD partners to ensure the partnership develops as planned
  • Administer PFD compensation and ensure adherence to project terms of reference
  • Ongoing advisory support, including attending project steering committee meetings or one-on-one meetings with the PI

Value: $7000 – $15,000 for a two-year project, depending on the specific activities

You are CDTRP, and we are looking forward to collaborating with you to drive research advances in donation and transplantation research.