Upcoming Webinars: Mitigating Medication Errors Post-Transplant

Are you a healthcare professional striving for excellence in post-transplant care? Look no further! We are thrilled to invite you to two upcoming webinars on “Mitigating Medication Errors Post-Transplant” featuring two experts in the field – Cathy Burger, Pharmacotherapy Specialist, Renal Transplant and Residency Coordinator in St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton, ON and Marie-Josée Deschênes, Pharmacist Specialist, Nephrology / Transplantation at The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON.

In these webinars, participants will gain knowledge and understanding of the challenges faced by transplant recipients, including the significant volume of medications and the complexity of their medication regimens. They will explore the various factors, such as drug-specific, patient-specific, and clinician-specific factors, that contribute to the increased risk of medication errors in transplant patients. Additionally, participants will learn about practical tips and strategies to minimize the risk of medication errors in this patient population, which can be incorporated into their clinical practice.

The webinars, supported by Astellas Pharma Canada, are presented in English (March 6, 2024) and in French (March 13, 2024) from 7-8 pm EST.