Welcome to new Trainee: Chloe Wong-Mersereau

The CDTRP’s Education and Training Platform is growing, and we’re pleased to welcome our newest member, Chloe Wong-Mersereau. Chloe completed a Masters in Medical Anthropology at University of Toronto and is part of Theme 1 – Create a Culture of Donation. Her project is entitled “Temporalities of Cure: A qualitative study of psychosocial support needs and long-term survivorship in liver transplantation” and is supervised by Dr. Suze Berkhout.

Education and Training Platform Manager, Manuel Escoto, caught up recently with Chloe to understand more about what her goals are for being a trainee with the CDTRP.

What are your fields of expertise and interests in research?

I recently completed my master’s degree in social-cultural anthropology at the University of Toronto on crisis-narratives and the lived experience of working in times of crisis with vulnerable peoples through the Canadian Red Cross during the COVID-19 pandemic. My research interests include innovating qualitative and ethnographic research methodologies that pair critical discourse analysis of documents with people’s lived experiences and stories. As a Chinese Canadian, I am particularly interested in bringing forward the voices and perspectives of BIPOC communities and marginalized peoples within healthcare systems and institutions.

What new areas of interest would you like to develop or with which different disciplines or specialist(s) would you like to collaborate within the CDTRP?

I am eager to collaborate with people with lived experience in donation and transplantation to develop interdisciplinary and multimodal ways of producing and sharing knowledge through sensory-ethnographic storytelling and arts-based methods. I hope to connect with people from various disciplines and fields to co-create and co-produce research projects that bridge the gaps between the social sciences, sciences, and arts.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

In between my undergraduate and master’s studies, I started a podcast called (R)aging Asians to speak with people from various backgrounds to trouble stereotypes and categories of “Asianness.” In a community series of ten episodes, people talk about their lived experience aging and navigating their evolving identities and connections to their communities.

About the Education and Training Platform

Providing resources to meet diverse education, training and career development needs, the Education and Training Platform incorporates academic programs to give trainees a broad overview of knowledge and issues related to the practice of donation and transplantation while providing them with tools on how to be better communicators, managers, scholars and professionals via webinars, mentoring programs and in-person meetings.

Learn more on the Education and Training Platform here.