CDTRP Ontario Health (Trillium Gift of Life Network) Research Innovation Grant – Dr. Istvan Mucsi
Through collaboration with partner organizations, CDTRP is pleased to announce the results of our annual Research Innovation Grant competition to fund exciting new project ideas. We are happy to highlight all of the projects funded in the 2022 competition.
CDTRP Ontario Health (Trillium Gift of Life Network) Research Innovation Grant
Dr. Istvan Mucsi
- Main affiliation: University of Toronto
- Theme 5 – Restore Long-Term Health
- Title: Confirming the validity of the PROMIS physical function item bank in kidney transplant candidates and recipients
Lay abstract
Many kidney transplant recipients and patients who wait for transplant have low physical function. This means that they have problems carrying out daily activities because their muscles are weak. This weakness is linked to heart disease and the risk of dying. Exercise may improve health and quality of life. However, research is needed to understand what type of exercise and how much is the best for kidney patients. To do that research we need to measure physical function precisely.
Physical function may be assessed by measuring mobility or strength directly, or using questioners, called PROMs. Direct measurement may be more precise but requires staff to do the testing. Importantly, these measurements do not tell what impact the weakness has on the patient’s day-to-day activities. PROMs can provide that essential information and they are easy to complete, but little is known about how similar they are to direct measurement.
In this study we will compare PROM scores and directly measured physical function to better understand if PROMs are precise enough.
We will ask 75 patients waitlisted for kidney transplant and 75 kidney recipients to complete PROMs. We will also measure their physical function with simple tests, like standing up from a chair repeatedly or walking for a few minutes. We will the compare questioner scores to the direct measurement. We expect that PROM and direct measurement results will be quite similar.
If this will be true, we can use the PROM questioners to monitor patients in exercise studies.