CDTRP Exercise Hub Meeting: Telerehabilitation in Solid Organ Transplantation
The co-leads of the CDTRP Exercise Hub – Dmitry Rozenberg, Sunita Mathur and Sherrie Logan were awarded a CIHR planning and dissemination grant CIHR – ICS (Winter 2022) to hold a virtual 2-day meeting focusing on the emerging practices and research priorities for telerehabilitation in solid organ transplantation recipients. This event is by invitation only for investigators and collaborators on this grant. However, all information will be disseminated through our knowledge mobilization and communication platforms to our CDTRP and transplant community.
Meeting goals
The purpose of this 2-day planning meeting is to bring together researchers, clinicians, patient-donor-family partners and stakeholders in rehabilitation for solid organ transplant recipients to establish best practices and research priorities in tele-rehabilitation. Dmitry Rozenberg, Sunita Mathur, Sherrie Logan and colleaguesaim to widen the network of Canadian researchers and clinicians in solid organ transplantation and telerehabilitation, explore virtual rehabilitation options and outcomes, and identify limitations and barriers to rehabilitation for transplant recipients and caregivers. This will allow us to implement best practices in rehabilitation within the virtual environment and to produce high-impact knowledge transfer within the established tele-rehabilitation network.