Transplant Québec and the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program co-hosted The International Donation and Transplantation Legislative and Policy Forum (the Forum). The Forum assembled 61 international experts in donation and transplantation, including patient, family, and donor partners, to provide guidance on the structure of an ideal organ and tissue donation and transplantation (OTDT) system. The Forum developed 94 evidence informed expert consensus recommendations with the objective of improving organ and tissue donation and transplantation laws and policy.
Seven working groups – called “Domain” – were responsible for generating the topics that merit recommendations, gathering and summarizing relevant evidence related to these topics, and creating recommendations. The recommendations link evidence and ethical concepts to legislative and policy reform and are applicable to jurisdictions developing or reforming their OTDT system. See the details of each Domain below.
Timeline of activities

Knowledge Translation Strategy
With the recommendations finalized, the next step is to support their movement into action, at regional, national, and international levels. The primary output will be a series of open access publications outlining the recommendation and supporting evidence. The recommendations will also be distributed through scientific conferences, webinars, fast facts information sheets and summary reports.
The objectives of the Forum’s KT strategy are to:
The CDTRP team along with Transplant Québec completed so far three information Fact Sheets:
- Mandatory Referral
- Data Collecting and Public Reporting
- Consent Models
The Mandatory Referral fact sheet helped Alberta government policy makers better understand this topic as they review, debate, and process Bill 205. Portions of this fact sheet were stated as part the Bill’s debate by Members of the Alberta Legislative Assembly on May 2, 2022.
You can download the Fact Sheets below.
CDTRP Research Connect Series | May 16, 2023
International Forum Outputs regarding Donation System Architecture, Consent Models and Emerging Legal Issues with Dr. Matthew Weiss & Claire Williment
Alberta Transplant Institute Seminar Series | April 27, 2022
Organ Donation and Transplantation: Legal and Ethical Foundations of an effective system with Dr. Matthew Weiss
The Forum’s Scientific & Planning Committees
Transplant Quebec, The Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program, The Transplantation Society, the Canadian Society of Transplantation, Canadian Blood Services, and the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement are all official partners who have contributed to the scientific content and will partner with the distribution of the recommendations.