COVID-19: Health and Event Safety
The CDTRP 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) will proceed as a hybrid event with the opportunity of attending in person or virtually. The health and well-being of our attendees remain our foremost priority. We are committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants.
COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement

All participants registered to attend CDTRP 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting in person, whether as presenters, attendees, exhibitors, staff, guests, or vendors are required to be fully vaccinated.
For the purposes of right of entry to the CDTRP 2022 ASM, at this time, a person is considered fully vaccinated if you:
have received at least 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine accepted by the Government of Canada, or a mix of 2 accepted vaccines;
or at least 1 dose of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine;
have received your second dose at least 14 calendar days before you attend the meeting.
A full list of approved vaccines in Canada is available on the Government of Canada website. Proof of vaccination may be required to gain access to the the meeting and the networking events.
Masks Requirements

Masks will be required for all participants at the CDTRP 2022 ASM. Masks must be worn indoors except while actively eating or drinking, or if you are a speaker at the podium. All of the Grand Okanagan staff members, including event planner, catering staff and audiovisual team, will be masked at all times when entering meeting/lunch rooms and interacting with participants.
Testing requirements

CDTRP asks that all in-person attendees test themselves for COVID prior to traveling to the ASM and each morning before attending the sessions. Rapid tests will be provided to all attendees for this purpose.
Individuals who test positive prior to the meeting should stay home, cancel their in-person registration, and attend virtually if possible. CDTRP will refund the registration fee, less an administration fee of $50 CAD, for any participants who are unable to attend in person due to COVID-19.
Individuals who test positive during the meeting should contact the CDTRP Management Team (info@cdtrp.ca) as soon as they get the positive result. COVID positive participants must stay isolated in their room and attend virtually if possible. Food and beverage can be delivered to the room while isolated. Please refer to the BC Center for Disease Control website for more information.
Physical distancing

Session and lunch rooms will be set up to allow for distanced seating;
We ask all participants to limit their close interactions with other attendees (shaking hands, hugging, etc.);
Microphones will be wiped down by staff between speakers.
Food & Beverage

Lunch and official dinner will be served in the Okanagan room in a round-table setting with physically spaced tables. Snacks and beverages during morning and afternoon breaks will be available in the Foyer.
** There will be accommodation for people who are not comfortable eating in a group setting.
Other precautionary measures

In order to minimize touchpoints, ASM materials will be available electronically. Attendees are encouraged to consult the CDTRP website to access program information.
Cleaning & Hygiene: high-touch areas will be cleaned and sanitized regularly. Hand sanitizer stations will be positioned at key locations throughout the event.
COVID Protocol Communication: health and safety guidelines will be communicated on the CDTRP website when available, in pre-meeting messaging, and on-site event signage.