2021 Webinar Series

Interventions for Improving Medication Adherence in Solid Organ Recipients

Dr. Lisa Mellon Dr. Lisa Mellon is a health psychologist, and has been a lecturer in RCSI since 2014. She has held postdoctoral research positions on projects assessing the quality of care for smoking cessation services in Irish hospitals, and with the ASPIRE-S Study (Action on Secondary Prevention Interventions and Rehabilitation in Stroke). [...]

2021-11-23T08:41:48-04:00November 23rd, 2021|Categories: 2021 Webinar Series, General, Past Webinars|

Implementation – Knowledge Translation, Dissemination and Update

Cynthia Isenor, Health Services Director for Critical Care, Nova Scotia Health Cynthia Isenor is the Health Services Director for Critical Care Services and Legacy of Life at Nova Scotia Health. Prior to moving home, Cynthia worked in Ontario as a registered nurse; beginning her critical care career in Kingston General Hospital and [...]

2021-11-19T13:29:11-04:00June 29th, 2021|Categories: 2021 Webinar Series, General, Past Webinars|

Intersectionality in Health Research

Dr. Olena Hankivsky, PhD Dr. Olena Hankivsky (Professor) B.A. (Toronto), M.A. PhD (Western Ontario) specializes in public policy and political theory and has a particular interest in gender, intersectionality, and social and health policy. Dr. Hankivsky is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Gender and Health Research Chair and a Michael Smith [...]

2021-11-19T13:28:21-04:00May 25th, 2021|Categories: 2021 Webinar Series, General, Past Webinars|

Virtual Research Ethics: Ethical Issues Conducting Research in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Charles Weijer, CmdSc, MsC, PhD – Bioethics, Research Ethics Charles Weijer is a professor of medicine, epidemiology & biostatistics, and philosophy at Western University in London, Canada. Charles is an internationally recognized expert in research ethics. His publications on the duty of care in clinical research, the ethical analysis of study [...]

2021-11-19T13:27:40-04:00April 27th, 2021|Categories: 2021 Webinar Series, General, Past Webinars|

Mixed Methods Study: Let’s talk quantitative and qualitative!

Dr. Rhiannon Reed, Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Alabama Comprehensive Transplant Institute I am an epidemiologist/outcomes researcher by training and have been working in transplant health services research at UAB under the mentorship of Dr. Jayme Locke since 2013. I completed my Doctor of Public Health in April 2019 and joined [...]

2021-12-02T10:10:09-04:00April 20th, 2021|Categories: 2021 Webinar Series, General, Past Webinars|