CDTRP 2023 Research Innovation Grant Competition Results
CDTRP is thrilled to announce the results of the CDTRP 2023 Research Innovation Grant Competition, made possible through our partnership with various esteemed organizations. We are proud to showcase all of the exciting projects that have been funded in this year’s competition.
We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Dr. Fédérick D’Aragon and his team for being awarded the CDTRP Research Innovation Grant . We wish them all the best as they embark on their innovative project!
“The CINERGY pilot trial is ground-breaking and has revealed the extraordinary complexity of research on interventions in the donor with the goal of improving outcomes for transplant recipients. CDTRP strives to make impossible research possible and we are proud to support this study focusing on how best to approach consent in this research context.”
– Dr. Patricia Gongal, CDTRP Executive Director
CDTRP Research Innovation Grant: Dr. Frédérick D’Aragon
CINERGY BC: The Calcineurin Inhibitors in NEuRoloGically deceased donors to decrease kidney delaYed graft function (CINERGY)-Pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT)-British Columbia
- Main affiliation: Université de Sherbrooke
- Theme 2 – Inform Universal Practices for Donation
Lay abstract
End-stage organ failure is complex and challenging for the Canadian health care system. Patients often require a transplant to save their lives, unfortunately, there is a growing gap between the number of donors and the number awaiting transplantation. In 2021, 4043 Canadians were on the wait-list, and 248 died waiting. While the rate of organs from deceased donors is increasing, the living donor rate decreases. One way to improve the rate and success of organ transplants is to improve deceased organ donor care. Once brain dead, physical reactions including swelling can be harmful to the organs being considered for transplant, affecting how well the transplant “takes” or survives within the recipient. Survival rates have improved over the years because of routine use of drugs that suppress the immune system and prevent rejection. Our team has initiated a small study to investigate the use of one of these commonly used medications (tacrolimus) in deceased donors to see if it is possible to obtain the information needed to prove that use of this drug during deceased donor management is beneficial for organ recipients in a larger study. While underway in Québec, we now plan to add two centres in British Columbia to test study feasibility, a revised recipient consent process, and report on provincial differences. Results of this study will inform researchers for the design of a future clinical trial on organ donor management; and final results will hopefully change practice, and improve the rate and success of transplant surgery in Canada.