Pediatric Transplant Symposium

La Dre Lorraine Hamiwka est heureuse d’organiser le tout premier , est heureuse d’organiser le tout premier symposium multidisciplinaire et multi-organes sur la transplantation pédiatrique, qui se tiendra en format hybride, avec un volet en personne à Calgary, en Alberta.

Ce symposium vise à mettre en évidence les opportunités actuelles et émergentes pour mettre en œuvre les dernières preuves en matière de recherche sur la transplantation pédiatrique en Alberta et à l’international. Il comprendra également un conférencier principal, des sessions supplémentaires, des tables rondes, des sessions interactives et des moments dédiés au réseautage. Ce programme rassemble des chercheurs de renommée mondiale (d’Alberta, du Canada et de l’international), des professionnels de la santé, ainsi que des partenaires de recherche impliquant des patients, des familles et des donneurs, qui sont à la pointe de la recherche sur la transplantation pédiatrique. Ce forum mettra en évidence les principaux développements scientifiques qui ont permis d’améliorer les soins, le traitement et le bien-être des patients et de leurs familles avant, pendant et après une greffe d’organe. Cet événement est gratuit.

Session No. 1: Equity in Care for Pediatric Transplant Patients and Families (9:30 – 10:25)

Cette session portera sur les questions clés entourant l’accès et les soins équitables en transplantation pédiatrique. Modérée par la Dre Aviva Goldberg, la session s’ouvrira avec le sujet « Social Disparities in Transplantation » (9 h 30 – 9 h 50), présenté par la Dre Caroline Tait. Elle explorera l’impact des facteurs sociaux sur l’accès et les résultats pour les patients et les familles de transplantation pédiatrique.
Par la suite, la Dre. Sofia Ahmed présentera « Sex and Gender in Pediatric Transplantation » (9 h 50 – 10 h 10), en discutant des défis de santé uniques liés à ces facteurs.
La session se terminera par une séance de questions-réponses (10 h 10 – 10 h 25), permettant aux participants d’interagir avec les conférenciers et d’approfondir leur compréhension des soins équitables pour les patients greffés pédiatriques.
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À propos de Dre. Aviva Goldberg

Dr. Aviva Goldberg is Section Head of Nephrology in the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, the Associate Dean for UGME Student Affairs and co directs the UGME Professionalism Program at the Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. She completed a clinical fellowship in Bioethics and Medical Humanities and Northwestern University and a Masters of Arts in Bioethics and Health Policy from Loyola University Chicago. Dr. Goldberg is the Secretary of the Canadian Society of Transplantation and Vice Chair of the AFMC Student Affairs Section. She has published and lectured nationally and internationally on ethics, health policy and medical humanities subjects in transplantation, ethics and pediatrics. She co-edited the book Ethical Issues in Pediatric Organ Transplantation, the first book solely on pediatric transplant ethics. She is a recipient of the Canadian Association of Medical Education’s 2018 Certificate of Merit a 2022 Martha Donovan Women’s Leadership Award and multiple other teaching awards.
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À propos de Dre. Caroline Tait

Dr. Caroline Tait is a medical anthropologist with particular research interests in Indigenous health and social justice. She earned her MA at the University of California (Berkeley), and her PhD at McGill University. Dr. Tait is a member of the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan and grew up in a small Métis community in central Saskatchewan. With Dr. Michael Moser, Dr. Tait established the Saskatchewan First Nation and Métis Organ Donation and Transplantation Network made up of Knowledge Keepers, persons with lived experience, researchers, physicians, and students. Dr. Tait has joined the Faculty of Social Work and the Cumming School of Medicine (Department of Community Health Sciences) at the University of Calgary in January 2023.
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À propos de Dre. Sofia Ahmed

Dr. Ahmed is a Professor in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. The recipient of the 2022 Hypertension Canada Senior Investigator Award, she is a nephrologist and clinician-scientist with a focus on sex and gender differences in human cardiovascular/kidney physiology and clinical outcomes. Dr. Ahmed is the Vice Chair (Research) for the Department of Medicine, Lead of the Libin Institute Women’s Cardiovascular Health Research Initiative at the University of Calgary and Lead of the Alberta Strategy for Patient Oriented Research Capacity Development Platform. Dr. Ahmed is an Advisory Board member for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Gender and Health, a member of the Canadian Medical Association Journal Governing Council and the President-Elect for the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences.
Dr. Ahmed completed her MD and internal medicine residency at the University of Toronto and a nephrology fellowship at Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General Hospitals in Boston. She completed her Master’s in Medical Sciences at Harvard University. The recipient of the 2021 Canadian Medical Association May Cohen Award for Women Mentors and the 2020 American Society of Nephrology Distinguished Mentor Award, Dr. Ahmed is strong proponent of the importance of mentorship and fostering excellence in the next generation of researchers.