We are inviting kidney transplant recipients from across Canada to participate in a study evaluating the usability and effectiveness of a web-based self-management guide called GETONTRAK (Getting on with Your Life After a Transplanted Kidney).
Participants will be asked to use the GETONTRAK website for a period of two weeks and provide feedback on its ease of use and how useful they find the resource in supporting their post-transplant care and lifestyle.
Participation is open to individuals who meet the following criteria: 
  1. Have undergone a kidney transplant
  2. Have access to a computer, laptop, or tablet with internet
  3. Are willing to use the GETONTRAK website for two weeks and complete 9 questionnaires before and after the two-week period
  4. Willing to be interviewed by a student investigator at the end of 2-week period
  5. Knowledge of English language
If you are interested, please contact : 
Aditi Singh, master’s student, McGill University, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy at getontrakstudy@gmail.com
The principal investigator of the study is Dr. Tania Janaudis-Ferreira, Associate Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University