Ko Moumoukai te maunga
Ko Waitirohia te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngāti Rākaipaaka te iwi
Ko Kahungunu te marae
Nō Tamaki Makaurau rāua ko whaanga Aotea ahau, engari kei Heretaunga ahau e noho ana
Ko Merryn ahau.

National Clinical Manager, Kidney Health NZ. Experienced Clinical Nurse Specialist (9 yrs Transplant Coordinator) and haemodialysis nurse, with 40 years working as a Registered Nurse in renal settings, primary care and occupational health, health education and patient advocacy. Involved in several indigenous equity research projects. Member of the CARI Indigenous Guidelines writing roopu for ‘Management of chronic kidney disease for Māori in Aotearoa/New Zealand’. Past member of the NZ National Renal Transplant Leadership Team. Member of National Clinical Networks, Renal: Models of CKD care. Co-investigator ASSET (AcceSS and Equity in Transplantation) Study. Member of Diabetes Working Group. Master of Nursing Science (2017) in qualitative research from Victoria University of Wellington – Master’s thesis – ‘It’s hard to ask’. Ngāti Rākaipaaka and pakeha, passionate about Māori health inequities and access to equitable health outcomes for Māori. ‘It’s not what you know, it’s how you show you care.’