Recruiting Chinese-Canadian donors and caregivers for research study
Researchers from Toronto’s University Health Network (Dr. Istvan Mucsi) and The Hospital for Sick Children (Dr. Samantha Anthony) are conducting a research study about barriers to living donor kidney transplantation experienced by the Chinese Canadian community. Research suggests that Chinese Canadians are less likely to consider living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) as a treatment option. The goal of this study is to better understand the Chinese Canadian community’s perspectives on LDKT. Information gained from the study will help us to better address the needs of Chinese Canadian patients with chronic kidney disease. The overarching objective of our research is to promote equitable access to LDKT for Chinese Canadians.
We are looking for people to participate in a 45-60 minute research interview (over the phone or MS Teams). All information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside the study. You will receive a $30 honorarium for your participation.
You are eligible to participate in this study if you identify as Chinese Canadian and you are:
- living with chronic kidney disease
- a living kidney donor (either donated in the past or planning to donate in the future)
- a kidney transplant recipient
- a caregiver of a kidney transplant recipient or someone living with chronic kidney disease