Perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation: a Canadian survey

A group of investigators from the Canadian Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials Group (PACT) and/or the CDTRP working to study Canadian perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation. They kindly request your participation in this national survey they developed and entitled: Perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation: a Canadian survey. This survey is the result of a multidisciplinary effort and developed by experts in the fields of epidemiology, qualitative research, anesthesiology, critical care, liver transplantation and patient-public partnership.

The data collected through this survey will help to answer the objectives of this research study, namely to describe to the Canadian perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation as perceived by anesthesiologists and surgeons, to analyze its variability and to document beliefs and attitudes affecting the perception of the postoperative complications risk and recipient selection.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate in this research study, please click the button below. You will then be redirected to an electronic platform where you will be guided through the different sections of the survey. The completion time for this survey should be approximately 10 minutes.

No nominal information will be kept during data collection. Your answers to the survey will be kept separate from your email address with no possibility of re-identification once completed. In addition, all information collected will remain strictly confidential.

Your participation in this research study is important to us and we thank you for it. We invite you to contact Dr. Carrier and his research team for additional information:

ELIPTO-1 research team: Constantine Karvellas, Christian Vincelette, Stanislas Kandelman, Alexandre Joosten, Ève Simoneau, Jeanne-Marie Giard, Khaled Dajani, Helen Trottier, Michaël Chassé