Major funding announcement – PRospective Evaluation of COVID-19 Vaccine in Transplant Recipients (PREVenT-COVID): A National Strategy
You may be aware that the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) is working to coordinate a national research strategy to better understand COVID-19 vaccination issues in transplant recipients. In January, we struck an Expert Panel (view the report here) to identify the key knowledge gaps related to research on vaccination in recipients, and then held a follow-up Workshop (view the report here) with approximately 40 stakeholder organizations to prioritize, align, and begin planning studies. On April 23, we hosted a second National Workshop, focused on communication of vaccination research with transplant patients and families (report forthcoming).
These discussions culminated in a large national research proposal submitted to the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) for funding last month. Research teams in Vancouver, Edmonton, London, Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec City, through a collaboration led by Dr. Deepali Kumar (University Health Network) and supported by the CDTRP network infrastructure, proposed a set of immunogenicity studies and a national safety surveillance study in transplant recipients.
We are delighted to share the news that we have been awarded funding by the CITF to undertake this work. As the work will move forward very quickly, given the pace of vaccination programs rolling out across the country, we will keep the community regularly informed of progress.
The national safety surveillance study will be conducted in partnership with the Canadian National Vaccine Safety (CANVAS). CANVAS is monitoring COVID-19 safety in the general public across Canada, with different regional approaches to recruitment, and a standardized set of REB-approved questionnaires.
To participate in the CDTRP transplant-specific safety study, transplant recipients must first enroll in CANVAS: To be eligible, participants must have not yet been vaccinated or received their vaccine within the last 7 days.
We have individually reached out to transplant centers, partner organizations, and our patient, family, and donor research community to help spread the word to the transplant community across Canada. If you have not heard directly from us, but are interested in supporting the communication effort, please let us know at
We look forward to sharing further updates about this important national project in the coming weeks and months!