Living Donation Week: Upcoming Events

Next week, September 12-18 is Living Donation Week 2021. CDTRP is pleased to partner with UHN to promote several Professional Education events of value to our community.

Live Donor Liver Transplantation
  • Tuesday, September 14 at 9 am PT | 10 am MT | 12 pm ET | 1 pm AT
  • Presented by Dr. Nazia Selzner and Dr. Les Lilly, this webinar will cover indications for liver transplantation, listing criteria and referral process, living donor assessment and more.
Professional Education: Live Donor Kidney Transplantation
  • Thursday, September 16 at 9 am PT | 10 am MT | 12 pm ET | 1 pm AT
  • Presented by Dr. Sunita Singh and Dr. Joe Kim, this webinar will cover indications for kidney transplantation, listing criteria and referral process, waitlist management at UHN, living donor assessment and more.

There are numerous other events on the calendar, including a Celebration event for living donors, a workshop about how to find a living donor. Full information and registration is below.

To hear more about the excellent research on living donation happening within the CDTRP network, stay tuned for a special edition of our newsletter next week!