Join the African, Caribbean & Black Organ Health Committee for a cozy and casual online gathering where we discuss all things related to organ health, organ transplants, living donation, and biases in the medical system. We hope to make an impact in one way or another in your life. We have all been there before, as a transplant recipient, living organ donor, or caregiver of a loved one, and we want you to feel safe in our kitchen!
Kitchen Table Conversations is the perfect place to connect, learn, and have fun. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, a light snack and pull up a virtual chair, and let’s chat!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to bond with us. Join us once a month online.
March 18 at 6pm
April 15 at 6pm
May 27 at 6pm
June 24 at 6pm
July 22 at 6pm
August 19 at 6pm
September 16 at 6pm
Register for free below: