International Donation and Transplantation Legislative and Policy Forum: Knowledge Translation Strategy
The goal of the 2021 International Donation and Transplantation Legislative and Policy Forum was to create evidence informed expert consensus recommendations with the objective of improving organ and tissue donation and transplantation laws and policy. This Forum was hosted by Transplant Québec and co-hosted by The Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP). Other official partners involved are The Transplantation Society, Canadian Blood Services, Canadian Society of Transplantation, and the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement. With the recommendations finalized, the next step is to support their movement into action, at regional, national, and international levels. To help achieve this, the Forum’s recommendations will need to be properly disseminated through Knowledge Translation (KT) activities.
The objectives of the Forum’s KT strategy are to:
These objectives will be achieved by communicating the right key messages, using the right communication channels, to the right people, at the right time. The KT strategy will use “push and pull efforts” that target the recommendations to the appropriate target audiences: policy makers at different levels of governments, health professionals, and patients and families affected by organ donation and transplantation.
Outputs from the KT activities will include:
- A series of information fact sheets for policy makers to help promote awareness and action on specific topics. These will be tailored to each target audience as needed (French/English/lay language);
- Summary lay documents of the Forum’s seven chapters that would highlight policy recommendations and brief rationale;
- Webinars for transplant professionals and patients and families;
- Social media content on specific recommendations on request.
Fact sheets to help disseminate information
Recently, the CDTRP team along with Transplant Québec completed two information factsheets on Mandatory Referral and on Data Collecting and Public Reporting. Elected officials in Alberta, Canada, used and cited these factsheets during debate in support of Bill 205, the Human Tissue and Organ Donation (Mandatory Referral) Amendment Act, 2022. The Mandatory Referral fact sheet helped Alberta government policy makers better understand this topic as they review, debate, and process Bill 205. Portions of this fact sheet were stated as part the Bill’s debate by Members of the Alberta Legislative Assembly on May 2, 2022.