Funding Update: Dr. Jason Acker Awarded

The CDTRP congratulates Dr. Jason Acker for his recent funding awarded via CIHR Fall 2020 Competition for his research “Enabling liver cryopreservation by controlling ice recrystallization with small molecule inhibitors”.

Introduction by Dr. Jason Acker:

Through the CDTRP network, we have identified colleagues who have the ex vivo perfusion expertise that has been essential for us to demonstrate the proof of concept for this proposed work. Extended preservation of solid organs to permit more expansive matching and utilization is one of the single largest problems facing transplant medicine. In partnership with CDTRP investigators, we will advance subzero storage of machine perfused organs to help make more organs available for transplantation.  We look forward to working with the CDTRP central management team and the theme 3 leadership team to help support our knowledge dissemination activities and to identify additional network opportunities.