Farewell Chelsea Patriquin
It is with mixed feelings that we share the news that Chelsea Patriquin has accepted new challenges with the Canadian Orthopaedic Association and is leaving her role of Research Manager with the CDTRP.
Chelsea has made outstanding contributions to the CDTRP over her 2 years as Research Manager. She supported Themes 1 and 2, including the development of major research projects such as LEADDR, and the Patient, Family, Donor Partnership and Education and Career Development platforms. Notably, Chelsea spearheaded the design and launch of the new cdtrp.ca website, which has drawn a 10-fold increase in traffic over the last year, and the CDTRP patient portal. She also deepened key longstanding partnerships and secured a number of new partnerships in industry, including Novartis and Aequus, who are generously supporting the 2021 CDTRP Webinar series.
Research Manager Katie Bain (katie.bain@cdtrp.ca) will be taking over support for Themes 1 and 2. As previously announced, we are also welcoming Manuel Escoto (mescoto@cdtrp.ca) as Patient, Family and Donor Partnerships and Education Manager.
You will be missed Chelsea!
Here are some messages from the CDTRP team:
Chels, it has been an honor working you these past years. Good colleagues are the kind of people you can rely on, develop great initiatives with and importantly share a joke or two ;) You’re definitely all of these things. Thank you for your innovation your dedication and kindness. This is such an exciting opportunity for you, I wish you the best of luck and continued success. Keep in touch! – Mélanie Dieudé
Dear Chelsea, We are so sorry to see you go! You’ve made a huge contribution to the CDTRP during your time on the team. We thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to moving us forward in thoughtful and creative ways. We’ll certainly miss your input. We will also miss your energy and enthusiasm, and your wonderful wit and humour. Best wishes for the very best in your next position, and please stay in touch. Warmest regards, – Lori West
Ma chère Chelsea, L’équipe des comms ne sera plus jamais la même sans ton énergie, ton sourire et tes idées folles. Je te souhaite sincèrement la meilleure des chances dans tes nouveaux défis, je sais qu’on se recroisera dans le futur. À bientôt pour une petite coupe de vino en présentiel! See you down the road <2 – Stéphanie Larivière
You’re leaving a big hole in the comms team, Chelsea. We’re trying to fill it with cookies, but it’s not quite the same. I wish you all the greatest flaming success in your new role… but don’t go too far. ;) – Patricia Gongal
Allô Chelsea! Tu vas beaucoup me manquer! Bonne chance dans tes nouveaux projets! xxx – Julie Turgeon
Dear Chelsea, Thank you for making my first month at CDTRP so welcoming and fun! Good luck in your new role! – Katie Bain
Dear Chelsea, I was saddened to learn of your departure from the CDTRP. I will miss your cheerfulness and sense of humor! Your involvement and remarkable work within the education and training platform was greatly appreciated. I hope that everything will go well for you and I wish you the best for your next job! I join the entire CDTRP team in wishing you a great and beautiful professional future. – Francis Migneault
Thank you Chelsea for all what you did for the CDTRP community! I wish you the very best on your next endeavour. – Jean-Sébastien Delisle
Chels, I’ll miss our combo of fun and hard work. We got a lot done together and those orthopods are lucky to have you. Have a great summer! – Matt Weiss
Dear Chelsea, Thanks so much for all of the support you have provided to Theme 5 and also to CAN-RESTORE! We are grateful for your dedication to all of the investigators within the CDTRP! – Sunita Mathur