CDTRP Education and Career Development Platform is pleased to announce its new co-leads: Dr. Matthew Weiss and Ms. Ke Fan Bei
The Education and Career Development Platform provides continuing education opportunities, training, and resources to meet the diverse education and career development needs of our trainee community. The Platform focuses on providing trainees with a broad overview of knowledge and issues related to the practice of donating and transplantation, while providing them with tools on how to be better communicators, managers, scholars, and professionals. Trainees are provided with the opportunity to join national and international CDTRP initiatives, network with each other and experts in numerous disciplines, and present their work to a national audience. Learn more here.
We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Matthew Weiss and Ms. Ke Fan Bei as the new Co-Leads who will be joining Drs. Lee Anne Tibbles and Francis Migneault in the leadership of the Platform.

About Dr. Matthew Weiss
“This is a fantastic opportunity to rejoin the CDTRP leadership team. Proper mentorship is key to ensuring that the foundation laid by this generation of researchers is built upon by those who will carry this work forward to the future. You will tremble at the terrible beauty of our education plan for trainees. None will resist the siren song of our career tips and insight into how to better prepare PowerPoint slides!!!”

About Ke Fan Bei
My personal perspective in the field of transplant continuously invigorates my desire to contribute. To that end, I am a patient partner with the CDTRP and I am currently pursing a PhD in Immunology with the University of Toronto with a focus on transplant immunology.
“I am thrilled to be a part of the CDTRP leadership team. I look forward to bringing awesomeness to all the trainees of CDTRP. Let’s have fun and learn together!”