CDTRP Special Seminar: Canadian ODT Project Presentations
On September 16, we were pleased to host this special seminar in cooperation with the Organ Donation and Transplantation Collaborative (ODTC) and Health Canada. More than 70 people joined the presentation of the 5 Canadian research projects that were recently funded by Health Canada in 2019.
Here are the projects presented:
- Improving Engagement and Empowering Patients through their Transplant Journey – Ms. Lydia Lauder, Ms. Carrie Thibodeau and Ms. Kristi Coldwell
- Implementation and evaluation of an electronic patient-reported outcome measure platform in pediatric transplantation – Dr. Samantha Anthony
- Implementation of Donation Advisor, a personalized clinical decision support tool for improved efficiency and effectiveness of deceased organ donation and transplantation – Dr. Andrew Seely
- Legislative Strategies to Improve Deceased Donation in Canada: A Special Focus on Evaluating the Impact of Opt-Out Legislation in Nova Scotia – Dr. Matthew Weiss
- A.C.T.I.O.N.: Improving Access to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation (LDKT) in Ethno-racial Minority Communities in Canada – Dr. Jagbir Gill and Dr. Istvan Mucsi
For more information on the project or presentation, email us at