CDTRP Special Seminar: Canadian ODT Project Presentations
We are pleased to invite our community to participate in a special event hosted by the CDTRP in cooperation with the Organ Donation and Transplantation Collaborative (ODTC) and Health Canada on September 16 at 11:00am-1:00pm ET. The event will welcome 5 Canadian research projects that were recently funded by the Healthcare Policy Contribution Program in 2019.
Funded projects include:
- Implementation and evaluation of an electronic patient-reported outcome measure platform in pediatric transplantation
- Improving Engagement and Empowering Patients through their Transplant Journey
- Legislative Strategies to Improve Deceased Donation in Canada: A Special Focus on Evaluating the Impact of Opt-Out Legislation in Nova Scotia
- Implementation of Donation Advisor, a personalized clinical decision support tool for improved efficiency and effectiveness of deceased organ donation and transplantation
- A.C.T.I.O.N: .Improving Access to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation (LDKT) in Ethno-racial Minority Communities in Canada
Lead investigators from each group will be invited to present a 15-20 minute overview of their work highlighting the project’s potential to transform the organ donation and transplant landscape in Canada. Following all presentations, we would host optional Q&A session for attendees.
Register for free here.