CDTRP PFD Platform is pleased to announce its new Co-Lead: Ms. Lindsay Thompson
We are delighted to announce that Ms. Lindsay Thompson is one of the new co-leads for the PFD Platform. Lindsay has been a valued member of the CDTRP community for many years, contributing significantly to our community by supporting and leading different initiatives. Join us in getting to know Lindsay and discovering more about her vision and aspirations as she steps into this new role with the PFD Platform!
About Ms. Lindsay Thompson
What inspired you to join CDTRP’s PFD Partnership Platform as a co-lead?
Prior to my cancer diagnosis I was a nurse clinician in pediatric infectious disease and involved in national immunization research projects. When I was unable to return to work post transplant, I realized that experience could be directed to patient advocacy and professional education and I became a patient partner with two disease based groups.
I was drawn to CDTRP in 2018 when I became aware of their strong mandate for patient engagement at all levels of the research continuum. Since them I’ve been constantly amazed at the range of opportunities available to PFD partners as we move forward with health care professionals to improve the journeys of transplant patient and their families.
What impact do you hope to make in strengthening partnerships between PFDs and PIs/Trainees?
I think the greatest challenge for PI’s/trainees comes down to basic education/communication that engenders trust if this type of relationship. Increasing their awareness of what PFD partners bring to the table by way of experience, education and the ability to improve research grant application success cannot be understated. I would also like to see improved lateral communication/support between PFD partners. The opportunity for knowledge translation on this level is huge and at present a missed opportunity.
Fun fact about yourself
I spent three years working in nursing stations in the Arctic. Oh the stories …..