CDTRP PFD Platform is pleased to announce its new Co-Lead: Dr. Shaifali Sandal
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Shaifali Sandal is one of the new co-leads for the PFD Platform. Dr. Sandal has been a valued member of the CDTRP community for many years, contributing significantly to our community through her research and by supporting and leading different initiatives. Dr. Sandal is an Associate Professor, a transplant nephrologist, and an FRQS-supported and CIHR-funded clinician investigator at the McGill University Health Centre. She has established a research program called BES3T-KC (Building, Equitable, Stronger and Sustainable health Systems in Transplantation and Kidney Care) with the overarching goal of improving care delivery to patients with kidney diseases. Join us in getting to know Dr. Sandal and discovering more about her vision and aspirations as she steps into this new role with the PFD Platform!
About Dr. Shaifali Sandal
What inspired you to join CDTRP’s PFD Partnership Platform as a co-lead?
I wanted to be more involved in the patient advocacy initiatives of this platform and make a meaningful contribution to the transplant community. Working with patient partners is an enriching and learning opportunity that helps me become a better researcher and clinician.
What impact do you hope to make in strengthening partnerships between PFDs and PIs/Trainees?
I want to create a checklist to better guide researchers on how to meaningfully integrate patient partners in their studies. I also particularly want to identify ways to better integrate PFDs from different races and ethnicities into the program’s ongoing initiatives.
Fun fact about yourself
The best Indian food in Montreal is my kitchen.