The Caribbean African Regenerative Medicine Project invites you to an in-person event on March 16th from 9 am to 5 pm titled “BUILDING TRUST: Confronting Anti-Black Racism in Health and Regenerative Medicine.” This “family event” is being planned in collaboration with the Canadians of African Descent Health Organization (CADHO), Ottawa Public Health, the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (SCAGO), Collaborative Critical Research for Equity and Transformation in Health (CO-CREATH) Lab and the Jamaica (Ottawa) Community Association.

As we continue in our mission to bridge the gap in regenerative medicine for African, Caribbean, and Black communities, this event holds particular significance. It will serve as an opportunity to explore the topics of sickle cell anemia, chronic diseases, organ transplants, and regenerative medicine, with a specific focus on their relevance to African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities.

This event’s program accommodates Black individuals from diverse backgrounds and levels of knowledge. Black high school and post-secondary students are invited to attend a mini-career fair and facilitate health-related sessions and small-group discussions. Join us as we engage in important conversations about regenerative medicine and address issues of anti-Black racism in healthcare!

Event details: 

  1. Date & Time: March 16, 2024 | 9 am to 5 pm
  2. Location: 101 Centrepointe Drive, Nepean, Ottawa, Ontario (Ben Franklin Place)
  3. Registration link: 

Link to our website to learn more about the project and upcoming seminar:

If you require special accommodations, please contact our project manager, Dr. Jacqueline Getfield ( with concerns or questions.