Call for Proposals: Evaluate Canadian Biotechnologies with Randomized Controlled Trials
The Accelerating Clinical Trials/Accélérer les Essais Cliniques (ACT/AEC) Consortium is pleased to announce a call for proposals entitled: Canadian Biotechnologies with Randomized Controlled Trials.
Most biotechnologies require randomized controlled trials demonstrating efficacy and safety to obtain regulatory approvals. The objective of this request for applications is to fund trials evaluating products from Canadian-controlled biotechnology companies in partnership with ACT Network clinical trialists.
Through this RFA, ACT aims to provide foundational support to Canada’s Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy (BLSS) by enabling Canada’s best researchers and companies to undertake the clinical trials efficiently, aligned with BLSS, Pillar 3: Growing Businesses by Doubling Down on Existing and Emerging Areas of Strength; the goal being to improve the health of Canadians.
For a trial to be eligible, it must fulfill each of the following points:
- The nominated principal investigator must be a Canadian researcher who is a member of an ACT Network. Leadership must be in partnership with a biotech company representative.
- The nominated principal investigator(s) can only submit one application to this competition.
- The trial must evaluate a biotechnology and the biotechnology company partner must be Canadian-controlled.
- Endorsed by one of the 28 ACT Networks of which the CDTRP is a part.
The deadline for full application is Friday, July 7th at noon EDT.
To apply, your application must be endorsed by one of the ACT Networks, such as CDTRP. To seek CDTRP endorsement, please submit a support request below by June 23, 2023.
About the Accelerating Clinical Trials/Accélérer les Essais Cliniques Consortium
On January 19th, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) formally announced that the Accelerating Clinical Trials/Accélérer les Essais Cliniques (ACT/AEC) Canada Consortium was the successful applicant for the federal grant for a 3-year term.
The ACT/AEC Canada Consortium consists of hundreds of investigators, patient-partners, healthcare professionals, government, and the biotechnology industry, as well as highly qualified personnel (e.g., study coordinators, biostatisticians) at 28 research networks and 11 clinical trial units located across the country, to address operational bottlenecks to conducting clinical trials in Canada. The ACT/AEC Consortium spans from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and Nunavut.