New Research Grant for Research in Sex and Gender Equity and Solid Organ Transplantation Amongst Indigenous Populations
Women in Transplantation is excited to announce the inaugural Women in Transplantation (WIT) seeding grant, designed to address sex and gender inequities among Indigenous Peoples undergoing solid organ transplantation.
Important Dates and Review Process:
- Completed Proposals are due by 1st May 2025.
- Funding decisions will be made by an expert review committee from the WIT peer members. Grants will be scored based on novelty, research approach, feasibility of obtaining relevant data, prior work, and the qualifications of the mentor, including prior productivity and mentoring experience.
- All applicants will be notified of final decision in June 2025 (one month post submission).
- For the selected individuals, the term of the grant will begin 1st September 2025. (four months post submission).